El fracàs català
Vicent Partal
Mas se la juga, no anant a la manifestació
Vicent Partal
Una coalició per a fer què?
Vicent Partal
L'amenaça més còmica
Vicent Partal
Onze de Setembre: els límits de la unitat
Vicent Partal
Ha d'anar Mas a la manifestació de l'Onze de Setembre?
Vicent Partal
Assange no és Pinochet i la Gran Bretanya té un gros problema
Vicent Partal
Com si fóssem escocesos
Vicent Partal
Una certa Barcelona comença a tenir por
Vicent Partal
La diferència entre pacte fiscal i independència és la mateixa que entre política i història
Vicent Partal
Un Onze de Setembre únic
Vicent Partal
El perill alemany
Vicent Partal
Guanyar fent trampa
Vicent Partal
Vicent Partal
We are not them (Letter to our European friends)
I don’t doubt you must be amazed by the way the Spanish politicians, especially the Spanish Government, behave. In spite of the serious crisis that overburdens us all, they all act with the utmost lack of responsibility. A lack which is causing important problems all of us must try to fix. Yet, I can’t say I’m amazed in the least, as I’ve been enduring this for decades.
Such behaviour, so strange to you, isn’t at all strange to me. The citizens of Catalonia, the Valencian Country, and the Balearic Islands have been enduring their strange behaviour for ages. As an example, I’ll simply tell you that while they keep building High Speed Trains leading to small and remote towns, Barcelona and Valencia are still linked by a one-track railway. And yet, the area encompassing both cities contributes 55% of the spanish GDP and carries as much as the 60% of merchandise traffic.
This economic absurdity is only one in quite a lot. There is a reason for this: Spain may look like a modern country, but it isn’t. It’s a country still haunted by its identity. Obsessed by the idea of building its national identity at all costs. It is a country where nationalism, their nationalism, may justify the most absurd decisions. Against economic consistency, and against Europe, even. Resuming the example I used before: No matter how much the European Commission considers the so-called Mediterranean Corridor to be a priority, the Spanish Government refuses to invest one single euro on it, and clings stubbornly to the building of a ‘central corridor’ that crosses Madrid, and which Europe is not keen on.
We’ve been telling you about all this more than once. About all this and about their enormous plundering of our taxes. About their unceasing attacks on our identity, particularly on the Catalan language, against which they agitate with an unhealthy obsession. And what a low level of democracy! I deem it normal that you thought I was exaggerating, but now you’ve seen for yourselves. You’ve seen their flaws, and must endure them as we have been enduring them for a long, long time.
Our society is living a very important moment, especially in Catalonia, where a majority of the population is willing to establish a republic of our own. We are aware that our future depends only on ourselves, and we are willing to decide which. But today I’d like to ask you to observe their behaviour, as I’m quite sure this will help you to understand our determination not to remain subject to them any longer. Furthermore, please don’t mistake us for them, for we are not them.
Mail Obert
La ignorància del rei
Oriol Izquierdo
Parla amb la teva àvia (i II)
Andreu Barnils
Sean Scully a Santa Cecília de Montserrat
Mercè Ibarz
L'exemple de la ILP per l'habitatge: desobeir i avançar junts
Bel Zaballa
No és ignorància: és cinisme i mala fe
Pere Cardús
L'escepticisme jacobí lleument esquerdat
Joan-Lluís Lluís
Peix al cove ‘reloaded’
Marta Rojals
A Grècia, dos assassinats
Andreu Barnils
La llista independentista: un artefacte imbatible?
Pere Cardús
La meva llista civil per la independència
Bel Zaballa
#cimeraindepe, minut i resultat
Marta Rojals
Ara és l’Hora: la candidatura del sí-sí
Oriol Izquierdo
Amb sense president
Andreu Barnils
Fills de l’exili, de les migracions, de l’educació
Mercè Ibarz
Si #TV3noemrepresenta, qui ho farà?
Marta Rojals
Lluís Llach, el Camp Nou i una fam de trenta anys
Joan-Lluís Lluís
Joan Herrera, al divan (II)
Andreu Barnils
Salvador Iborra, no és cosa nostra
Roger Cassany
La llista electoral que pot passar la prova de l'ànec
Pere Cardús
Orwell 2.0, o digues-me què cliques i et diré qui ets
Bel Zaballa
'Indepe' amb mar de fons
Marta Rojals
La resposta
Oriol Izquierdo
Joan Herrera, al divan
Andreu Barnils
40 anys de tot allò, 30 d’això
Mercè Ibarz
El mètode per a sumar els 'sí se puede' a la independència
Pere Cardús