Three branches that cannot be severed
Pere Gendrau
One match, for everything, aka “Deserves got nothin’ to do with it”
Kevin Williams
Ucraïna, trinxera europea
Erika Casajoana
Tres branques que no es poden serrar
Pere Gendrau
El PP fa l'aleta
Amadeu Carbó
What is this, Minister?
Pilar Rahola
Els valencians, sols davant el perill?
Rosanna Cantavella
El turista Jorge Cañas a l'illa Robinson Crusoe
Lluís de Yzaguirre
Nazis o jueus: les acusacions anticatalanes al llarg de la història
Joan Pérez i Ventayol
La policia espanyola, ara com durant el franquisme
Josep Cruanyes
Pau Vidal
Dani Alves and the perfect gesture, aka “Your stupidity is soooo tasty!”
Kevin Williams
PP: Been there, did that
Francesc-Marc Álvaro
Toni Strubell
Why Catalans are separatist
Don't get us wrong. Catalan separatists are not separatist out of selfishness nor greed.They are not separatist out of jealousy or hatred. They are not separatist because of Spain's billion dollar debt, if that's what your thinking! They are not saying: "Jack pull up the ladder" to "other" Spaniards nor shirking their responsibilities. They are not separatist out of fashion nor fad. They are not traitors, though they would be if they turned their back on their own national cause. No. It's all a little bit more complicated than that.
Catalans are (and have for years been) separatist out of sheer existencial need. They are separatist because Spain generally treats them like shit. increasingly so, an aspect that is incomprehensible to any "sensible" European that could be imagining that the best way to cut separatism in Catalans is to seduce them. Well there's none of that. No. Catalans are separatist because they have no alternative. They are separatist because they see an astounding 8%+ of their GDP creamed away in taxes that never return, though, in return, no form of gratitude nor acknowledgement is in any way forthcoming. Madrid simply denies there is any degree of fiscal abuse. And sweet Fanny Adams! That's it! Spanish media at all time portray Catalans as mean and lacking solidarity, But none of the conditions for peaceful productive cohabitation with Spain are given. They are separatist because they refuse to live along with the impunity, contrivance and identification Spaniards so often have with Francoism. That's not to say that there aren't (and haven't been) Catalan Francoists, nor indeed Catalan democrats who want to form part of Spain. They exist just as pro-Hitler Pétainists existed in France and Mosleyites in the UK. Certainly there are Catalans (a minority) who identify with Spain and couldn't care two hoots about their own country nor its language and economy. So?
Many Catalans are separatist because their language is in no way respected nor guaranteed by Spanish law, which only imposes Spanish (although the Spanish King stated that "Spanish has never been imposed on anyone". Sheer negationism if you ask me!) Catalans are separatist because Spain forbids them from voting their future. They are separatist because Spain has decreed that any Spanish parent living in Catalonia can simply opt for steering their offspring away from a Catalan education while palming off fees on the already fleeced Catalan treasury. We are separatist because Spain wields an enormous arsenal of arms to ensure that Catalonia cannot recover her identity nor her economy. They are separatist because Spain condemns Catalan ports and airports to dismal transportation access facilities, thus inexplicably cutting her nose to spite her face. For Spain is consciously preventing Catalonia from enhancing her competitiveness in a global economy. Any doubts about that? Look. Recently, faced by the dicotomy of selling a key energy sector company to Catalonia or to Germany, a Spanish minister is on record for having said "rather German than Catalan" (the company is now Italian). Can you blame Catalans for being separatists? They are made to pay through the nose for services that in Spain are free, starting with 70% of the toll motorway bill. Their key infrastructures are underfunded or simply non-existent. Furthermore, Catalan students proportionally get half the amount of university grants Spanish students do. In addition, there is a dreadful dose of hatred in Spanish media displayed daily to things Catalan with no attempt at correction by a Spanish government (which simply sits back to enjoy (and benefit from) the spectacle). What European would put up with that? Exactly! That's why many Catalans are separatist and aim to set up their own democratic State. Help them get some justice after 300 years of Bedlam and Inquisition?
La manera de guanyar importa
Vicent Partal
La fi de Pujol i la fi de la Catalunya autònoma
Vicent Partal
7 contra 155?
Vicent Partal
El 155 o l'evidència de la desesperació
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Rajoy i els conceptes més elementals
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Anem a totes
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Ciutadans contra el(s) valencià(ns)
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Contra la revolució
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Les tres explicacions que no entendran mai
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Setanta-cinc dies per a treballar tots com bojos
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Bones vibracions…
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Turbulències, també a Podem
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Lleida és un gran exemple
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I ara un parell de preguntes
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Entre Irlanda i la CUP
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Vicent Partal
La democràcia té límits?
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Persistència per a guanyar
Vicent Partal
Vicent Partal
L’embolic d’Iceta amb el 9-N
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Contra la 'llei mordassa'
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Europa, en perill
Vicent Partal
A les vostres mans
Vicent Partal
La trampa
Vicent Partal
El retorn de la Generalitat
Vicent Partal