


Vicent Partal


For Scotland, Europe and the world

If the Scots pick the path of independence today – and this is what’s really important – they will have chosen to build a much better country than the one they currently have. After years of devolution to the Scottish Parliament, it is clear that no one can govern Scotland better than the Scots themselves. And now, the only thing standing between them and this historic change, this unprecedented decision that would tear down all remaining obstacles, is a slip of paper and a ballot box. If Scotland were independent, it would have the solution to all of the problems its people face in its own hands, without limits or impositions. That would represent a giant step forward.

A “Yes” vote would have ramifications extending far beyond Scotland. It would also be a crucial moment for Europe: the European Union would have to renounce its stupid arrogance once and for all and prepare for its first internal enlargement, just two months before we Catalans offer up the same proposal. The EU will do so – because it’s the only option available, and because not doing so would be unwarranted. The EU will be flexible, just as it has always been for major decisions, and will accept the democratic wishes of the Scottish people.  

And the ramifications will extend even farther, to the world at large. In this world, where national borders have always been established by wars and violence, we have an almost unique opportunity to redraw these borders – but this time, from a place of democracy, freedom, and mutual respect. With the passing of time, it is harder and harder for artificially created states to operate smoothly, and Scotland’s “Yes” vote would serve as a major incentive to understanding that the utmost in freedom and responsibility can be achieved without wars and violence. That we must simply respect citizens without limiting their democratic will. And that a world whose borders are drawn in a process like the one in Scotland would be a far, far better place than one in which nations are required to face off against one another, as has been the case so many times throughout history.


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