Debat superat
Vicent Partal
Des del Pertús a Vinaròs
Vicent Partal
Gaudiu de la història
Vicent Partal
Al sud
Vicent Partal
Ara com una roca, ferms
Vicent Partal
El 2016 no
Vicent Partal
En el pecat, la penitència...
Vicent Partal
Els partits, el país, nosaltres
Vicent Partal
La nostra gent al món
Vicent Partal
Amb els tres directors de Menorca
Vicent Partal
Per què el PSC bascula cap al feixisme? (i 2)
Vicent Partal
Per què el PSC bascula cap al feixisme? (1)
Vicent Partal
Espanya es fica a la cova tota sola
Vicent Partal
Vicent Partal
The World's Responsibility to Catalonia
The referendum on independence to be held November 9th is a do or die situation for Catalonia. It will have a tremendous impact on the rest of the Catalan Countries and on what today comprises the Spanish State. Indeed, the Catalan people’s vote, and the circumstances in which it will take place, will be decisive for the whole of Europe and perhaps beyond as well. It is not only our own future that is in play.
The Catalan people have demonstrated civil, democratic, multicultural, and positive unity that cannot be ignored. The Catalan Way in September is a perfect example. And the Catalan political parties have been able to rise to the challenge, for example with the important agreement made this past December between the two governing parties along with the principal opposition party, and two additional groups that together were able to join forces in order to officially call for the referendum. Catalans from Christian-Democrats to anti-capitalists have come together, a range that I don't think could have taken place today in any other place on earth. And both the civil society and the political classes want to vote together this 2014 on our independence and we want the world to respect and to recognize whatever democratic decision comes from the people as a whole.
We consider democracy to be a universal and non-negotiable value. Spain denies us the right to vote with the argument that such a vote is not permitted under its current constitution. In 21st century Europe, that argument simply holds no water. If the Spanish government believes that it can hold on to Catalonia by force against its will in a situation clearly detrimental to its health, it is quite mistaken. In the last few years, Catalonia has tried repeatedly to negotiate with the Spanish State to end the abuse that has undermined and clearly endangered the self-government agreed upon after coming out of Francoism. Madrid has said no to everything and continues to say no to everything as it simultaneously drags the whole of Spanish society decades back into the past. The controversy over the recent criminalization of abortion, the ominous resurgence of fascist and Nazi symbols, and the monstruous legal reform being prepared by the People's Party to restrict freedom of opinion, freedom of expression, and freedom of demonstration cannot be understated.
We Catalans want to live in a better democracy and we know that we are capable of constructing one. But above all, we want to live our own freedom. And this is a desire that the rest of the world cannot remain indifferent to without their indifference endangering their very own freedom as well as their democratic integrity. Democracy cannot be limited by laws and less still by laws conditioned by a military regime, as was the case with the Spanish Constitution of 1979. The world has, once again, a responsibility to Catalonia and to its democracy and we invite you now to exercise that responsibility. With the honor that History, with a capital H, always requires.
Mail Obert
La ignorància del rei
Oriol Izquierdo
Parla amb la teva àvia (i II)
Andreu Barnils
Sean Scully a Santa Cecília de Montserrat
Mercè Ibarz
L'exemple de la ILP per l'habitatge: desobeir i avançar junts
Bel Zaballa
No és ignorància: és cinisme i mala fe
Pere Cardús
L'escepticisme jacobí lleument esquerdat
Joan-Lluís Lluís
Peix al cove ‘reloaded’
Marta Rojals
A Grècia, dos assassinats
Andreu Barnils
La llista independentista: un artefacte imbatible?
Pere Cardús
La meva llista civil per la independència
Bel Zaballa
#cimeraindepe, minut i resultat
Marta Rojals
Ara és l’Hora: la candidatura del sí-sí
Oriol Izquierdo
Amb sense president
Andreu Barnils
Fills de l’exili, de les migracions, de l’educació
Mercè Ibarz
Si #TV3noemrepresenta, qui ho farà?
Marta Rojals
Lluís Llach, el Camp Nou i una fam de trenta anys
Joan-Lluís Lluís
Joan Herrera, al divan (II)
Andreu Barnils
Salvador Iborra, no és cosa nostra
Roger Cassany
La llista electoral que pot passar la prova de l'ànec
Pere Cardús
Orwell 2.0, o digues-me què cliques i et diré qui ets
Bel Zaballa
'Indepe' amb mar de fons
Marta Rojals
La resposta
Oriol Izquierdo
Joan Herrera, al divan
Andreu Barnils
40 anys de tot allò, 30 d’això
Mercè Ibarz
El mètode per a sumar els 'sí se puede' a la independència
Pere Cardús