No el podem deixar sol
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Un Guantánamo a Occitània?
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Males notícies per a Rajoy
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Vicent Partal
The big maneuver is underway
For four years, the Spanish State has been dithering away with respect to the Catalan question. Mariano Rajoy, the president of the Spanish Government has been in an insistent state of denial that goes against the interests of his country and that is one of the deepest causes of the current situation. At this moment, the state knows that on November 9th, there will be a referendum, that the Yes-Yes vote will win, and what is worse for them, it knows that the international community will accept the results and will also accept the new state that comes out of the process.
To stop all this, then, small reforms and circumstantial agreements will not be enough. History, with a capital H, can only be fought by History, with another capital H, and that is what Spain is attempting with this "grand operation" in order to avoid Catalonia's independence. After the European elections and after seeing the results everyone knew something big was coming. And here it is.
I have to call attention to an article that we published a few days ago in which Judge Santiago Vidal explained his visit to the General Council of Judicial Power, with respect to his work writing a new Catalan Constitution. Vidal explained that they asked him if Catalonia would accept having the same monarch as Spain. And they were clearly not thinking of Juan Carlos.
And I call your attention also to the declaration made on Saturday by Mariano Rajoy when for the first time he offered to discuss a federal reform of the constitution in order to resolve the Catalan question. Juan Carlos will justify everything as a personal matter, but he can't explain what has changed in the last few weeks because nothing has changed, and thus it will seem that the decision has been thought about for a long time. Because what has changed is the situation in which they find themselves in Catalonia.
The "big maneuver" is underway. Now they will coronate Felipe of Bourbon who will quickly make proposals and gestures to Catalonia. Gestures and proposals that will probably be accepted by the PP and PSOE, in an effort to avoid the independence of Catalonia by accepting a single, exceptional regime for Catalonia.
Once again, and as always been the case, it only depends on us. There's no need to lose our nerve or to be worried. Juan Carlos' abdication is just one more symptom of how far we have arrived. And the demonstration that we can move any mountain, if we want to. At any rate, we will now see how the gesture will be translated within the independentist movement. If there is a part, which is most inclined toward a "third way", and which separates and accepts a formula like "two states under one king". But we'll have plenty of time to talk about all that.
Mail Obert
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