US congressman supports Catalonia’s right for self-determination

  • Culbero called for dialogue as the only way to 'tackle differences and reach common agreements' in a democratic context

30.03.2017 - 14:00
Actualització: 30.03.2017 - 20:46

Catalonia’s pro-independence aspirations and the Spanish Government’s refusal to enter into dialogue are also gathering interest in the US. During his official trip to the United States, Catalan President, Carles Puigedmont, met with several US Congressmen on the East Coast to discuss the current deadlock between Catalonia and Spain and found not only comprehension but support. “The right to self-determination is essential for us; my family had to run away from a country in which this right didn’t exist,” said Carlos Culbero, Republican representative for Florida and originally from Cuba. Although he refused to “impose anything or interfere in other countries’ politics”, Culbero called for dialogue as the only way to “tackle differences and reach common agreements” in a democratic context. Culbero made these statements this Tuesday right after meeting with Puigdemont in Washington DC. Earlier this week, the Catalan President addressed the Center for European Studies (CES) at the Harvard Kennedy School and gave the conference ‘Catalonia, Today and Tomorrow’, his analysis of Catalonia’s current political situation and its place within the EU.

“I call for dialogue. It is fundamental in all countries in the world and this is what all governments do,” said Culbero and added that “Spain had previously called for dialogue abroad to solve problems, tackle differences and try to reach common agreements.” Culbero said this was his wish “for Catalonia and Spain and for all the parts in the world which may be facing similar conflicts”.


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