The ERC Member of Parliament and former refugee Ana Surra shows Rajoy up in Congress

  • ‘Mr. Rajoy, I was a refugee. This is not a disease, it is not contagious’



07.04.2016 - 12:33
Actualització: 01.07.2016 - 10:42

The ERC Member of Parliament in the Spanish Congress Ana Surra, who was born in Uruguay, spoke and made a great impact in the Congress. In the course of the debate on the position of the Spanish Government on the refugee crisis, Surra said these words, which showed Mariano Rajoy up: ‘Mr. Rajoy, I was a refugee. This is not a disease, it is not contagious. It is an administrative situation. We are people, men, women and children, who at some time of our lives have had one administrative situation and at another time another situation’. She ended her speech by talking about the independentist position of her party, ERC: ‘Today my administrative situation is that of a Member of Parliament for Catalonia; I am Catalan and a member for Catalonia. Along with many other people I am building a free, democratic and peaceful republic.’

See the video:

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