Spanish Supreme Court requests investigation into Catalan officials

  • The judge in charge of the case rules to investigate the members of so-called 'strategic committee' for independence, including ERC candidate Marta Rovira



12.12.2017 - 13:14
Actualització: 12.12.2017 - 13:20

Some Catalan political leaders, including ERC’s candidate Marta Rovira, are being investigated by Spain’s Guardia Civil after a Spanish Supreme Court ruling on Monday. The judge of the Spanish Supreme Court requested information about the role some Catalan political leaders played in the declaration of independence.

Specifically, the judge of the Spanish Supreme Court that’s in charge of the case of the members of the Catalan government and two social leaders, Jordi Sànchez and Jordi Cuixart, requested an investigation into the members of the so-called “strategic committee” for independence.

Judge rules to investigate pro-independence parties

The judge also requested to investigate whether pro-independence parties PDeCAT and ERC agreed on organizing mobilizations aiming to “facilitate the declaration of independence”with the sovereign organizations, such as the Association of Municipalities for Independence (AMI), the Catalan National Assembly (ANC) and Òmnium Cultural.

The judge of the Spanish Supreme Court also requested to investigate if public funds were used, to identify those responsible for the October 1 referendum and of the committees for the defence of the republic.

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