Spanish police block website of pro-independence civil society organization ANC

  • The privately funded group is behind the massive 'Yes' rallies in Catalonia of the last few years



26.09.2017 - 09:56
Actualització: 26.09.2017 - 09:57

Spanish police have blocked the website of the pro-independence civil society organization Assemblea Nacional Catalana, (Catalan National Assembly, ANC), said the group. The ANC is one of the organizations behind the massive rallies in favor of independence that have taken place in Catalonia in the last six years, and is privately funded.

The organization criticized that they had not received any previous warning that the website would be shut down, and in a post on Twitter they said they will have a new one soon.

“We’ll be back soon. Hello, dictatorship”, they tweeted ironically, using a logo of a Warner Bros cartoon, in a joke aimed at Spanish police, which is has a Tweety-themed vessel docked in Barcelona, full of agents to stop the referendum.

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