More than 700 world cities represented at Barcelona’s Smart City Expo

  • The trade fair offers solutions that make city life easier and more sustainable

A model city made out of Lego at the Smart City Expo World Congress 2022 / Miquel Vera - Jordi Bataller
VilaWeb / Catalan News Agency
16.11.2022 - 16:25

The Smart City Expo World Congress kicked off on Tuesday at the Fira de Barcelona exhibition hall with 800 exhibitors and 700 cities represented. Some of the more innovative offerings on show at the 2022 include smart benches and lampposts equipped with solar panels, WiFi and pollution detectors, and robots that clean ports and reservoirs.

Ugo Valenti, the event’s director, says the trade fair has gone from “showing concepts to implemented solutions that make city life easier and more sustainable”. He points out that – as of 15 November 2022 – “there are now 8 billion people on the planet, and more than half live in cities.” Valenti believes the business of urban technology is experiencing a boom that has allowed many Catalan companies to grow and export all over the world.

Held in Barcelona since 2011, organizers describe Smart City Expo World Congress as “the leading international event for cities.” Their mission is to “empower cities and collectivize urban innovation across the globe. Through promoting social innovation and identifying collaboration opportunities, the event is dedicated to creating a better future for cities and their citizens.”

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