Millet and Montull admit Ferrovial paid irregular commissions to CDC through donations made to ‘Palau de la Música’

  • Millet explained that Ferrovial paid a 4% commission to CDC in exchange of public contracts

09.03.2017 - 08:00
Actualització: 09.03.2017 - 14:12

Former governing party ‘Convergència Democràtica de Catalunya’ (CDC), which ruled in Catalonia in coalition with Christian Democrat Unió for more than 20 years, received irregular commissions from construction company Ferrovial in exchange of public contracts. This is what Fèlix Millet and Jordi Montull, former managers of Palau de la Música, the institution which channelled these donations, admitted this week before the judge. Millet explained that Ferrovial paid a 4% commission to CDC in exchange of public contracts. “2.5% for the party, 1% for me and 0.5% for Montull”, he admitted. Millet, Montull, the latter’s daughter, Gemma Montull, who was former financial director of Palau de la Música, and CDC former treasurer, Daniel Osácar testified before Barcelona’s court this week over the so-called ‘Palau Case’, one of the major corruption scandals in Catalonia.

Millet explained that ‘Palau de la Música’ used different mechanisms for Ferrovial construction company’s commissions to reach CDC finances; from false sponsorship, to cash deliveries, donations to CDC’s foundation ‘Fundació Trias Fargas’ and dummy corporations. “The agreement was made between Ferrovial and CDC, I didn’t intercede”, he said.  Millet, who is 81 now and claimed having health problems, avoid giving further details on the exact procedures or which public works were selected. “I don’t remember” he said. He did confirm that he and Montull pocketed an important commission in exchange of channelling the donations. “2.5% was for CDC, 1% was for me and 0.5% for Montull”, he assured.

Montull’s daughter, Gemma Montull, who was former financial director of ‘Palau de la Música’ confirmed Millet’s version. She admitted that Ferrovial “made donations for alleged sponsorship but they were actually destined to CDC”. Gemma Montull said she acknowledged that from his father, Jordi Montull, but denied being aware that the commissions were in exchange of public works.

In a similar sense, Montull confirmed the plot and pointed to CDC’s former treasures, Daniel Osàcar, as the person in charge of gathering the money from Ferrovial and put it at the party’s disposal.

Millet former right-hand man also said the commission grew from the initial 3% to 4% because “CDC wanted more money”.

More information:
‘Palau case’ one of the major corruption scandals in Catalonia arrives to the court

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