European Parliament will discuss Catalangate in next plenary session

  • Several Catalan pro-independence MEPs in the chamber have been affected, according to the revelations of Citizen Lab

28.04.2022 - 21:39

The full European Parliament will discuss the Pegasus espionage to MEPs revealed by the Catalangate scandal. It was a proposal from the Greens / EFA group, whose members Diana Riba and Jordi Solé from ERC were spied on according to the revelations of  Citizen Lab. Catalan MEPs from Junts were also spied on: Toni Comín before entering the Parliament, Carles Puigdemont through his friends and family and Clara Ponsatí through on one of her assistants.

The debate on the use of Pegasus by EU member states against individuals, including MEPs, and the violation of fundamental rights, will take place on 4 May in Strasbourg from 3pm.

Following the Citizen Lab’s revelations about the Catalangate, the European Parliament announced last week that they would provide MEPs with a system to check if they have the Pegasus spy system installed in their mobile phones. However, the president of the chamber, Roberta Metsola, has not commented on the espionage of Catalan MEPs.

A special commission to investigate Pegasus and other espionage programs was launched in the European Parliament last week. Following the first revelations about the alleged use of Pegasus surveillance software in Hungary, Poland and Greece, the European Parliament decided in March to set up this new commission to determine whether its use has violated European Union law and fundamental rights. The commission plans to present a final report within a year.

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