Deposed Catalan minister freed on bail in Scotland

  • Clara Ponsatí handed herself in to the Scottish Police and testified before court following a European arrest warrant issued by Spanish judiciary


VilaWeb / Catalan News Agency

28.03.2018 - 23:18

Deposed Catalan minister Clara Ponsatí has been freed on bail after turning herself in to Scottish police on Wednesday morning, following a European Arrest Warrant issued by Spanish judiciary. She testified before court later in the afternoon. After testifying, the Scottish judiciary decided to free her on bond.

Ponsatí’s move came after the Spanish judiciary issued a European arrest warrant against her, as well as against all the Catalan officials abroad. The Spanish judiciary body requested their extradition to Spain, where they would be tried on their role in Catalonia’s push for independence.

Speaking to the press, her lawyer, Aamer Anwar, claimed that Ponsatí is victim of “political persecution” and accused Spain of trying to end the independence movement. In addition, Anwar expressed the deposed Catalan minister’s gratitude for the support of the Scottish people. “Scotland is a true friend of Catalonia in these dark times” he stressed.

Campaign to finance Ponsatí’s defense

The deposed Catalan minister started a campaign in order to finance her defense before the Scottish judiciary. Through a crowdfunding platform, Ponsatí aimed to achieve an amount of €45,700. In a few hours, she achieved more than double that.

Catalan officials abroad

The European and international arrest warrants issued against the deposed president Carles Puigdemont and the Catalan officials abroad are to be processed in four different countries, each with their own variations in law.

The dismissed members of the Catalan government include Toni Comín, Clara Ponsatí, Meritxell Serret, and  Lluís Puig. Alongside Puigdemont, they all sought refuge in Belgium after the parliament declared Catalonia as independent. On March 10, Ponsatí announced that she had moved to Scotland in order to go back to work at the University of Saint Andrews.

The secretary general of Esquerra Republicana, Marta Rovira, also left Catalonia last week, announcing that she would “go into exile.” She is thought to be in Switzerland. Puigdemont was detained in Germany whilst traveling back to Belgium from Finland.

The arrest warrants are therefore to be processed in Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, and Scotland. In an expected turn of events on Sunday, Puigdemont was locked up in Neumünster prison while it is decided whether to extradite him or not.

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