Barcelona citizens chant ‘No tinc por’ as they retake La Rambla



19.08.2017 - 03:01

Thousands have marched through Barcelona chanting ‘No tinc por’ (‘I am not afraid’) following the terror attack that killed 14 people. As well as the deaths, the driver of a van also injured more than 100 people.

Mourners laid shrines for the victims before stopping for a minute’s silence at Plaça de Catalunya. Flags, candlesand flowers were all placed at the base of the ornate Canaletes Fountain and in several more spots in La Rambla.

At a joint press conference later with Spanish prime minister Mr Rajoy, Catalan president Carles Puidgemont said the cry of ‘No tinc por’ was the ‘best weapon’.

Meanwhile Catalan Police shot and killed five suspects wearing fake bomb belts in Cambrils and arrested four others believed linked to the attack in Barcelona. Three more members of the gihadist cell died in an explosion in a house of Alcanar on Wednesday, with police confirming residents had been preparing explosives there.

Police said the men killed in Cambrils were linked to the Barcelona attack, which the Islamic State (IS) group said it had carried out.

Citizens of some 34 countries were killed or injured in the Las Ramblas attack, the Catalan government has said. One woman died in Cambrils.



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