Felipe VI “I want to reaffirm my faith in the unity of Spain”

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19.06.2014 - 17:41

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“I want to reaffirm my faith in the unity of Spain, of which the crown is a symbol,” declared Felipe VI in his speech during the ceremony in which he was proclaimed the new Spanish king. Felipe centered a good part of his speech on Catalonia without ever mentioning its name, repeating that it was necessary that Spain stay together. He spoke of the diversity of the Spanish State’s “peoples and traditions” as a value to preserve, and cited names of poets like Espriu, Castelao and Aresti. And he finished by giving thanks in the cooficial languages. That is the sum total of the gestures offered by Felipe in his speech.

Felipe VI: ‘Vull reafirmar la meva fe en la… per vilawebtv

Felipe spoke of the unity of Spain. “Unity is not uniformity. The constitution recognized our diversity as a characteristic that defines diversity, in order to protect the peoples of Spain. A diversity that is born of our history, and that makes us bigger and makes us strong,” he said.

Felipe insisted in saying that in Spain, “there is a place for everyone”. And he expressed it this way: “In this united and diverse Spain based on solidarity between its peoples and respect for the law, everyone has a place, all feelings have a place. There are many ways of feeling Spanish. The feelings must be understood, respected, and shared. We have to revalue getting along with sincere affection, friendship and with ties of brotherhood. We will work all together, each with his or her own personality. Loyally. A nation is not just historic, but it is an integrating project that looks toward the future.”

Felipe VI called on his own role as the maximum symbol of a “renovated monarchy for a new era” that will work, he said, out of respect for the Constitution in order to preserve and revitalize the ideals and principles of Spaniards getting together in peace and freedom.

Military attire
As his father Juan Carlos and dictator Franco always did before him, the new Spanish king, Felipe VI, attended the proclamation session dressed in military attire, as head of the Spanish army. After receiving military honors, he arrived at the Congress, where he gave his speech. But in the ceremony, there were notable absences.

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