Homs guarantees that Catalonia will vote: “What, they’re going to suspend the democracy?”

  • He unloads against those who want "to have Middle Ages style duels" by asking Mas to go to Madrid

08.04.2014 - 13:35

La premsa lliure no la paga el govern, la paguen els lectors

Fes-te de VilaWeb, fem-nos lliures

The spokesperson for the Catalan Government, Francesc Homs guaranteed today that Catalonia will indeed vote, no matter what happens in the Spanish Congress today, during the debate on the proposal of the Catalan Pariament to transfer powers in order to hold referendums. “We will vote. What, they’re going to suspend the democracy?” asked Homs, who remarked that what is being voted on this afternoon is whether the Spanish State will collaborate on organizing the vote. “We would like to vote with their cooperation, but if not, we will vote just the same,” he insisted. At the same time, he criticized those who demanded that the President of the Generalitat participate in the debate, and said they want “Middle Ages style duels in the twenty-first century”.

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