És imperatiu reconèixer el paper de la violència en la vida política catalana
Ho sabem tots, però ens ho diem poc: si Catalunya, el Principat, avui és part d'Espanya (encara), tan sols es pot explicar per l'ús continuat de la violència política
Several events take place in parallel to the Human Rights Council meeting
Carles Puigdemont will travel to Geneva on Sunday to take part in a human rights event
Officers raid government offices, high-ranking official's home and HQ of pro-independence civic organization
An interview with the Bremen University professor and activist for Catalonia's rights
A new report states that the increased use of Article 578 to prosecute citizens “is part of a sustained attack on freedom of expression”
The European body rules that burning images of the Spanish monarch is freedom of expression and does not incite hatred
“Rajoy desperately needs to prove to his European partners that the situation is normal, but the individual reactions of the countries involved clearly show that they do not regard the events in Spain as normal”
VilaWeb interviews Catalonia’s former Education minister in the UK
45,000 demonstrators support a "republican government" and hold a minute's silence for incarcerated Catalan leaders
Catalonia’s institutions in exile have already got down to work at the so-called House of the Republic in Waterloo
Welsh MP tables motion in Westminster in support of Pep Guardiola and his yellow ribbon
Jordi Sànchez’s defense petitions Spanish courts for his release so he can attend Parliament and take up the post
Catalan president takes case to UN Human Rights Committee
«Above all, a monarchy is a spectacle. But yesterday King Felipe was unable to show that off at all. Quite the opposite»
Catalonia’s pro-independence movement will use Mobile World Congress as backdrop for protest against repression, censorship and political prisoners
'The pro-independence movement is perfectly legal', says José Maria Mena
Former MP Anna Gabriel says she would not have a 'fair trial' in Spain and will not appear at Court on Wednesday
Mireia Boya stated in court that intention of declaration of independence was 'effectiveness'
VilaWeb interviews Constitutional Law professor Joaquín Urías, a former judge in Spain’s Constitutional Court
Justice as a weapon for political warfare, originally a US concept, is applicable in the current conflict between Catalonia and Spain
The NGO accuses Spain’s Supreme Court of 'making this injustice worse'
Judge leaves him behind bars for risk of repeat offense, although he stepped down as MP last month
Lawyers from Barcelona, Paris and London have lodged a complaint on behalf of the Catalan leaders who are being held in custody arguing that their arrest is in violation of their freedom of assembly, right to free speech, political opinion and participation in public life
Jurists argue that filing a complaint against a routine step, such as putting forward the name of a presidential candidate, is an aberration
VilaWeb interviews the former Danish Foreign Minister who yesterday met Carles Puigdemont in the nordic country’s parliament