L’Ovidi i nosaltres
Cal recordar, i hem de recordar-nos, que aquest país nostre va deixar morir l'Ovidi en la penúria
Interview with the Catalan president
Electoral Board cracks down on the colored motif after it became a symbol protesting the imprisonment of pro-independence leaders
The Belgian justice officially puts an end to the proceedings a week after the Spanish Supreme Court withdrew the European Arrest Warrant
Letter of the legitimately elected Vice-President of Catalonia
The judge in charge of the case rules to investigate the members of so-called 'strategic committee' for independence, including ERC candidate Marta Rovira
Original route changed due to large influx of protesters
The Catalan president and the four ministers in Belgium testified Monday in Brussels over their extradition case
Catalan president and ministers in Brussels finish their three-hour hearing in the EU capital
Vice President Junqueras, Home Affairs Minister Forn, and pro-independence civil leaders Cuixart and Sànchez will remain in jail, while six other officials granted 100,000€ bail
An interview with Bojan Brezigar, the Slovenian journalist who has written Six Days in Catalonia
“Explicit instructions” from Spain’s foreign office ordered “all staff” to be fired on November 30 under application of Article 155
An interview with Ireland’s Sinn Féin senator Trevor Ó Clochartaigh
An interview with Ireland’s Sinn Féin senator Trevor Ó Clochartaigh
We do a chronological review of all acts of Spain aimed at suppressing independentism that have been resolved with 795 charged, fifty-six registrations, twenty-four arrests and two prohibited acts
Any individuals manning polling stations on December 21 will not be allowed to wear the yellow ribbon demanding freedom for Catalonia’s political prisoners
«It is the EU which has a real problem nowadays and, unfortunately, is it headed for its demise unless it changes radically and starts listening and respecting the will of the people again»
Denis Bosquet claims that prosecutor rejecting charges of corruption for Puigdemont and his four Catalan ministers in Brussels is a sign of the international arrest warrant’s “weakness”
«The EU had based its international projection on the notion that it was the most advanced space worldwide in terms of democracy and peace, and on the promotion of those values. But the recent events in Catalonia, with the EU’s official blessing, have shattered that narrative»
Interview with the chairman of Drets, which is a lawyers association in Catalonia
The Vice Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of China met with European Parliament representatives in Strasbourg
An interview with Estonian MP Artur Talvik, who criticises the silence of Estonia’s PM on the subject of Catalonia
VilaWeb interviews Hywel Williams, a Welsh MP in Westminster
Interview with the deputy of the Finnish parliament
President to run on party ticket on December 21 including also independent candidates
Mariano Rajoy’s government rejects answering questions about the cost of the deployment of officers
750,000 people march in Barcelona according to local police under the motto ‘Freedom for political prisoners, we are the republic’
Former French minister Ségolène Royal has also criticised the decision to keep Vice President Junqueras and seven cabinet ministers in remand
The judge is to decide within the next 15 days whether to accept the extradition petition from Spain
«While in Brussels, he has internationalised the Catalan conflict, exposed Spain’s justice and kept himself and his government free to continue acting as what they are. All with a single blow»
Spain’s National Court sets bail at €50,000 for former Business minister
The Catalan leader has explained that he has opted to protect the general public and Catalonia’s civil servants by averting the violence that Madrid was readying
«These days we are making Europe and the international community understand that it's not possible to solve the Catalan crisis without counting on the Catalan government as the main interlocutor»
«Those of you who are so vocal about the fact that we haven’t managed to accomplish what we meant to should make a note that the Spanish authorities haven’t, either»
Resolution declaring independent Catalan republic passed with 70 votes in favor, 10 against and 2 abstentions
Kučan states Catalonia cannot be compared to Slovenia, but has right to self-determination
Cecot’s chairman emphasises that Catalan employers have been making the same demands for twenty years: 'This is not normal! We’re in this situation because solutions haven’t been explored'
Pro-indy groups aim to hold a plenary session a day before the Spanish government’s takeover could come into effect
«By shattering its own constitution, Spain has put us in the most favourable of positions, from an international standpoint: that of the last resort remedy»
Carles Puigdemont deemed that the activation of Article 155, which will seize Catalonia's self-government, was "the worst attack" on Catalan people and institutions since the Franco dictatorship