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An Exhibition of Catalan Romanesque Art

A Small but Great Exhibition of Sculptures


Architecture: a World Heritage

dimarts, 1 de febrer de 2005
From the 20th of January to the 28th of March, the National Museum of Art of Catalonia (MNAC) is holding an exhibition of Catalan Romanesque sculptures of great artistic value. So, this is a good time to broadly discuss this country's Romanesque art, both from the sculptural point of view and the architectural and pictorial perspectives.

But before we do, it would be a good idea to take a quick look at some history, to put the emergence and development of this art into its context. And the first thing to say is that Romanesque art is, chronologically speaking, the first art movement in medieval Europe. It began in the 10th century and continued to spread until the 13th century.

The birth and consolidation of this type of art coincides with the peak period of feudalism, a social and economic system that encompassed a good deal of Western Europe. Bear in mind that with this system, which was dominated by feudal lords, society became more and more structured and this helped to bring about the emergence of this new artistic manifestation.

This artistic manifestation was mainly religious, centred on the churches and monasteries, with features specific to each area in which it developed, but also with a set of shared characteristics: an austerity of form, sober ornamentation, symmetry and stone as the basic building material.
  • + Webs relacionades dins Nosaltres.Com: Romànic

A Small but Great Exhibition of Sculptures

+ The exhibition includes around fifteen wood carvings from the 12th century.
We were just saying that for over two months the MNAC is holding an exhibition of Catalan Romanesque sculpture. It includes around fifteen wood carvings from the 12th century, all of great artistic quality. Some of these sculptures, which all come from the valleys of the Pyrenees, are on loan from foreign museums. They all originate from the valley of Boí (in the district of Alta Ribagorça), except from the Mijaran Christ, a veritable sculptural gem, which is kept in the parish church of Viella (in the Valley of Aran). Basically, it's an exhibition at which to penetrate the least known aspects of Romanesque art.


+ Central apse of Sant Climent de Taüll.
In terms of Catalan Romanesque painting, which is much more well-known, the MNAC also offers an exceptional exhibition with masterpieces of the eleventh to the thirteenth centuries, most of which were assembled during the first third of the twentieth century in order to avoid their dispersion. The permanent collection of murals, most of them from the Pyrenean valleys, includes unique pieces such as the Pantocrator (a representation of the triumphant Christ) of Sant Climent de Taüll and the altarpiece depicting the Apostles from La Seu d'Urgell.

Architecture: a World Heritage

+ The churches of the valley of Boí were declared a UNESCO world heritage site in the year 2000.
Romanesque architecture can be clearly seen throughout the country, such as the Principality of Catalonia, Northern Catalonia and Andorra, in the stunning churches and monasteries. Take, for example, the monasteries of Sant Martí del Canigó and Sant Miquel de Cuixà, both in the district of El Conflent, the monastery of Santa Maria de Ripoll (Ripollès) and that of Sant Pere de Rodes (Alt Empordà), and the churches of the valley of Boí, one of the purest and most characteristic displays of Romanesque art, and very well conserved. This group of churches was declared a UNESCO world heritage site in the year 2000.


  • Art romànic
    Pàgina del MNAC, dedicada al fons d'art romànic que conté.
  • Centre d'Art Romànic Català (ARCAT)
    Projecte de l'Institut d'Estudis Catalans, que té el propòsit principal d'establir un banc de dades d'art romànic català, dels segles IX-XIII.
  • La vall de Boí
    Portal dedicat a aquesta vall pirinenca: història, pobles, patrimoni artístic, natural i etnològic... Informa a bastament de les esglésies declarades patrimoni mundial per la UNESCO.
  • Art romànic i art gòtic
    Trets bàsics d'aquests dos moviments artístics, i informació dels exponents principals de l'un i de l'altre a les terres catalanes.


  • Romanesque art took its inspiration from earlier artistic manifestations, particularly from Roman art, as is indicated by the name 'Romanesque'.
  • Like Romanesque art, the movement that followed it, gothic art, spread across Europe. Cathedrals were the religious buildings that were most representative of the new artistic era.
  • From a stylistic point of view, one can differentiate three periods of Catalan Romanesque architecture: the pre-Romanesque (10th century), the early Romanesque (11th century) and the late Romanesque (12th century). For the 13th century there is no shared classification, given the great artistic diversity of the period.


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Com apuntar-s'hi


Breu descripció de l'exposició temporal d'escultures del romànic català.
Les pintures romàniques del cercle de Santa Coloma d'Andorra.
La imatgeria del romànic català.
Llista dels edificis religiosos romànics de la Vall d'Aran, classificats per municipis.
I també...
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