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A 'Highway' in Antarctica

Criticism from Edmund Hillary

Antarctica: Belongs to Everyone and No-one

The Conquest of the South Pole

dimarts, 7 de desembre de 2004
2003 saw the beginning of construction of a land route across the Antarctic to reach the South Pole. The construction of the 'highway', as it has been called, has been occupying media space once again after the heavy criticisms made by the illustrious mountaineer and explorer Sir Edmund Hillary.

Remember that Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing Norgay became the first to reach the top of mount Everest, the highest mountain in the world, in 1953, and that five years later, in 1958, the New Zealand explorer led an expedition to the South Pole.

The North American initiative intends to connect the McMurdo coastal station, the largest on Antarctica, with that of Amundsen-Scott, situated on the geographical South Pole itself, with the objective of reducing the air traffic which supplies the polar station and thereby dedicating more flights to other missions.

The land line, currently half completed, will be one thousand six hundred kilometres long and could be ready by February 2006; at least, that is the prediction of the United States National Science Foundation.

Criticism from Edmund Hillary

+ Hillary and Tenzing conquered mount Everest in 1953.
Contrary to what was thought at first, the criticism by Edmund Hillary was not centred on the ecological damage which the construction of the 'Antarctic Highway' may cause; rather, what he was reproaching the North Americans for was the fact that the land line would put an end to expeditions to the South Pole, something which, for an adventurous spirit like his, is a terrible thing, and this is how he described the project.

Antarctica: Belongs to Everyone and No-one

+ Antarctic is the coldest place on the planet.
The Antarctic has a surface area of more than 14 million square kilometres, 98% of which is covered in ice. It is the driest and coldest place on the planet, with temperatures always below 0ºC. However, that has not stopped it from being politically coveted: a number of countries have claimed sovereignty over different areas. With this in mind, in 1959 a dozen countries (since then many more have joined) signed the so-called Antarctic Treaty, which put a stop to the territorial disputes, promising only to use the Antarctic for pacific and scientific ends. Later, in 1991, the Environmental Protection Protocol was signed, with the intention of conserving the environment and the eco-systems on the frozen continent.

The Conquest of the South Pole

+ Roald Amundsen was the first to reach the South Pole.
The Antarctic was the last continent to be discovered. Set foot on for the first time in 1895, the centre of the continent almost coincides with the South Pole, a fact which rapidly captured the interest of explorers. The Norwegian Roald Amundsen was the first to arrive there, on 14th December 1911, a little more than a month ahead of the expedition headed by the Briton, Robert F. Scott. Prior to this, in 1909, another great explorer, the Irishman Ernest H. Shackleton, had made an unsuccessful attempt.


  • National Science Foundation
    Agència del govern nord-americà que impulsa la construcció de la línia terrestre entre les estacions polars de McMurdo i d'Amundsen-Scott.
  • Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research
    Comitè que promou i coordina la recerca científica a l'Antàrtida.
  • Expedicions a l'Antàrtida
    Pàgina de divulgació de les expedicions a l'Antàrtida 2000 i 2002, en què es recullen les vivències d'un grup d'investigadors catalans a les aigües polars.
  • Antàrtida
    Testimoni del valor ecològic de l'Antàrtida, amb informació diversa: àrees protegides, expedicions pioneres, tractats, biodiversitat...
  • Cool Antarctica
    Espai de la BBC sobre aquest continent. Adreçat al jovent.
  • Recursos
    Recull de vincles sobre el continent més fred del planeta.


  • The Antarctic holds approximately 90% of all the world's ice, and 70% of the fresh water.
  • In 1983, at the Vostok Antarctic station, the temperature fell to –89.2 ºC, the lowest ever registered.
  • As a result of the climatic conditions, the depletion of the ozone layer particularly affects the Antarctic atmosphere, and it is for that reason that we speak about the hole in the ozone layer over Antarctica.


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Com apuntar-s'hi


Unes quantes curiositats sobre l'Antàrtida.
Les crítiques d'Edmund Hillary a 'l'autopista' antàrtica.
Un clima rigorós.
Els cinc pols del continent gelat.
I també...
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