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The Most Expensive Streets in the World

5th Avenue

European and Catalan Ranking

Portal de l'Àngel

dimarts, 9 de novembre de 2004
5th Avenue in New York is the most expensive shopping street in the world, according to the report Main Streets Across the World 2004 made public by the consultants Cushman & Wakefield at the end of October.

To be precise, the report specifies that the average cost of renting per square metre in 5th Avenue can reach as much as 8,406 euros a year, with an increase, in the most commercial stretch, of 12% compared to the previous year. This reaffirms the leading position of the Manhattan street, which also headed the reports of 2002 and 2003.

Behind 5th Avenue come the Champs Elysees in Paris, at 6,287 euros annually, and Causeway Bay, in Hong Kong, at 5,036, which were already in second and third position, respectively, in the two previous reports.

The report produced by Cushman & Wakefield tracks the 229 most expensive shopping thoroughfares across a total of forty-five countries.
  • + Webs relacionades dins Nosaltres.Com: Economia

5th Avenue

+ Ancient photo of 5th Avenue.
5th Avenue is the main axis of the island of Manhattan, dividing it into two sectors, the East Side and the West Side. It is one of the most famous streets in the world, with exclusive shops, famous art galleries (Metropolitan Museum of Art, Guggenheim Museum...) and buildings symbolic of this city of skyscrapers, such as the Empire State Building, the tallest building in the world until the beginning of the 1970s, and the neo-gothic St Patrick's cathedral, seat of the archbishop of New York.

European and Catalan Ranking

+ The Champs Elysees in Paris is the most expensive European street.
If we concentrate on Europe, below the Champs Elysees, we find four streets in London: Oxford Street, Bond Street, Covent Garden and Brompton Road. In our country, the thoroughfares with the highest prices are Portal de l'Àngel and Passeig de Gràcia, in Barcelona, Colom in València, Diagonal and Rambla de Catalunya, also in Barcelona, and Avinguda Jaume III in Palma de Mallorca, in that order.

Portal de l'Àngel

+ Barcelona's Portal de l'Àngel.
Portal de l'Àngel is therefore the most expensive place to rent retail premises. This leading position is explained, to a certain extent, by the fact of being a very central and pedestrianised street, and by its frequently changing offer of retail outlets. This does not mean, however, that the firms which are found in this street are necessarily the most expensive in the city. In fact, there are more prestigious firms in the vicinity of Passeig de Gràcia than in Portal de l'Àngel.


  • Cushman & Wakefield
    Web de la consultora que ha fet l'informe Main Streets Across the World 2004.
  • Economia
    Recursos didàctics de la Xarxa Telemàtica Educativa de Catalunya (XTEC) sobre economia.
  • Plànols de ciutats
    Recull de vincles sobre plànols i ciutats de tot el món.
  • Lonely Planet
    Guia del món, classificada per continents i països.
  • Nova York
    Una altra guia, aquesta de la ciutat de Nova York, que té el carrer comercial més car del món.


  • It is calculated that a total of sixty million passers-by walk down Portal de l'Àngel every year, a figure that evidently makes this street a location which continues to be highly sought after by retail firms.
  • The same occurs on a larger scale in 5th Avenue which, along its most commercial stretch, only has fifty-five shops.
  • In the Spanish State, the most expensive shopping street is Preciados, in Madrid, followed by Portal de l'Àngel, Serrano, also in Madrid, and Passeig de Gràcia.


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Com apuntar-s'hi


Llistes dels carrers comercials més cars d'Europa i del món el 2004.
Apunt sobre la Cinquena Avinguda de Nova York, que encapçala el rànquing mundial.
Webcam d'aquest carrer, eix principal de l'illa de Manhattan.
Els informes Main Streets Across the World, relatius als anys 2002 i 2003.
I també...
  • Vistes panoràmiques de l'Avinguda dels Camps Elisis de París, que té els locals comercials més cars de tot Europa.
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