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![]() > Mozilla and Opera > Firefox > A Google Navigating System? dimarts, 2 de novembre de 2004
Recently, it has not been uncommon to hear talk of what is known as the 'war of the browsers', an expression that aims to denote the revival undergone by the various internet navigating systems.
And of course this revival means greater competition for the dominant browser: Internet Explorer by the Microsoft company, which over recent years has captured over 95 % of the market. This percentage could be substantially reduced if one looks at the increase in downloads of alternative browsers that have occurred over the last few months. Of course, it is no easy thing to change the habits of users, most of whom are used to Internet Explorer. But it's also true that there are factors that act against the Microsoft browser, of which we could highlight three. Firstly, hacker attacks, which mostly affect the dominant system; secondly, the security failures detected recently, which have not been fully corrected; and thirdly, the lack of incentive to improve a browser that is freely distributed with the Windows operating system and that pretty much operates as a monopoly.
Mozilla and Opera![]()
+ Mozilla and Opera hope to challenge the dominance of Microsoft's Internet Explorer.
Two of the main beneficiaries of the problems experienced by Internet Explorer are the Opera and Mozilla browsers. The former was developed by a Norwegian company with one paid version and one free version, while Mozilla is based on open code programming. Version 1.7 of Mozilla has served as the inspiration behind version 7.2 of the Netscape browser which was launched last August.
+ The Mozilla Foundation has created the Firefox browser.
The Mozilla Foundation has also created the Firefox browser, which is free to use, open coded and very well received by experts and users. The preliminary version of Firefox 1.0, which will be definitively launched on the 9th of November, has been downloaded by more than six million internet surfers since September. Amongst other things, the Firefox browser allows one to block unsolicited advertising and to view various websites from a single window.
A Google Navigating System?![]()
+ Rumour about a Google browser began last April.
For some time now, it has been rumoured that Google may be working on its own browser. This rumour started doing the rounds last April, when the number one internet search engine registered the domain gbrowser.com, and the rumour grew on the basis of a number of pointers. Whatever the case, denials by some of Google's spokespeople have been unable to stop this rumour.
> Descripció del navegador Mozilla.
> I de l'Opera.
> Les prestacions de la versió 1.0 del Firefox, desenvolupat per la Fundació Mozilla.
> Una 'guerra de navegadors'.
I també...
- Un navegador de Google?
- Orígens i desenvolupament del programari de codi lliure.
- El navegador dels Països Catalans.
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