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Palestine 2000-2004: Four Years of Intifada

From Possible Peace to the Intifada

From the Start of the Intifada to the Present Day

Palestine and International Politics

dimarts, 28 de setembre de 2004
On the 28th of September 2000, four years ago now, the then head of the conservative opposition and current Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, visited Haram al-Sharif / Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The visit aroused the bad feelings of the Palestinians, who considered it a provocation, and it unleashed the second Intifada.

The Arabic word 'intifada' can be translated as 'uprising' or 'insurrection'; and this is indeed what happened. The Palestinian population rebelled, fed up of the Israeli occupation, of worsening living conditions and peace negotiations that were not producing the desired results. The rebellion was harshly quelled by the Israeli army, which only made things worse: the first twenty days of confrontations left over one hundred dead and three thousand injured.

Unfortunately, that was just the start of a spiral of violence spurred on by the most intransigent sectors on both sides: the Israelis and the Palestinians. And the number of dead since the start of the Intifada now surpasses 4,300: more than 3,300 Palestinians and almost a thousand Israelis; a figure that rises with each day that passes and that appears to have no limit.
  • ! Actualització el 03/10/2004 a les 13:15

From Possible Peace to the Intifada

+ Sharon's visit to Temple Mount / Haram al-Sharif unleashed the second Intifada.
In the Summer of 2000 a meeting took place at Camp David (Maryland, USA) between Bill Clinton, the then President of the United States, Yasser Arafat, head of the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) and Ehud Barak, Prime Minister of Israel at the time. The meeting was intended to once and for all end a conflict that, although it had become more serious in the 20th century, has its origins in the very distant past. A definitive agreement seemed more within reach than ever before but, at the last moment, it fizzled out. Much has been said about the reasons for the failure of the negotiations, but whatever the case, the fact is that this failure laid the way for the outbreak of the second Intifada.

From the Start of the Intifada to the Present Day

+ October 2000: the death of Gaza boy Muhammad al-Durrah shocked the world.
To top it all, in February 2001 Ariel Sharon, not much inclined towards reaching an understanding with the Palestinians, won the Israeli elections. The new Prime Minister enforced a very harsh policy of repression, which increased Palestinian radicalism. In the end, the intransigence of both parties has led to the stagnation of a peace process initiated in 1993. The failure of what is known as the 'Roadmap', which aimed to give a new impulse to the negotiations, the construction of the wall at the West Bank and the continued violence in the area are indications enough that the peace process is going nowhere.

Palestine and International Politics

+ Map of Israel and the Palestinian territories.
Motivated by the attacks of the 11th September 2001 in Washington and New York, the United States government, led by George Bush, implemented a hard line policy justified by the need to combat what they called international terrorism, without any accord or dialogue. This decision to resort to the use of force is proving totally ineffective, as can be seen in Iraq, but it has opened the way for Ariel Sharon's repressive policy, which has helped to dash the hopes for peace between Palestinians and Israelis. This is a very serious point, particularly when one takes into account the fact that the instability of the Middle East can only be remedied by eradicating the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.


  • Palestina
    Pàgina de l'Observatori Solidaritat sobre Palestina: dades bàsiques, documents, anàlisi, recursos...
  • Israel and the Palestinians
    Espai de la BBC, dedicat al conflicte palestino-israelià.
  • 2000 -Intifada- 2003
    Dossier sobre la Intifada, que recull l'opinió de veus israelianes i palestines.
  • Palestina i Israel
    Pàgina amb una selecció de vincles sobre el conflicte.


  • The second Intifada was named after the Al-Aqsa Mosque, located at Haram al-Sharif and one of the holiest sites in Islam.
  • Haram al-Sharif is known to Jews as Temple Mount in remembrance of the two temples that stood there in ancient times. The site therefore has considerable meaning both for Jews and for Muslims.
  • The first Intifada lasted from 1987 to 1993 and was the result of the Israeli occupation, initially contested by young Palestinians throwing stones, hence the name the Rebellion of Stones.


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Com apuntar-s'hi


'Retrat del dolor': els dos primers anys d'Intifada.
Apunt biogràfic de Iàsser Arafat, cap de l'Organització per l'Alliberament de Palestina (OAP).
I d'Ariel Sharon, primer ministre israelià.
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