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The Forum of the Young




dimarts, 11 de maig de 2004
The Universal Forum of Cultures Barcelona 2004 is under way. A spectacular opening ceremony has given the starting signal for one hundred and forty-one days of a unique event that will continue until the 26th of September and which advocates reflection and dialogue on three basic issues: cultural diversity, sustainable development and conditions for peace.

In line with this intention, the Forum shall take place on three levels: the Forum itself, a festive happening in which the visitors are the real protagonists, participating in and enjoying all kinds of events (shows, exhibitions, workshops, markets, games, etc.); the Forum Dialogues, which brings together a range of experts who will debate the problems and challenges facing humankind, and look for solutions; and the Forum in the City, which basically means that the city of Barcelona will provide a venue for many of the Forum events.

And it is precisely the Forum events that we shall discuss below, focusing mainly on those that may be of most interest to kids and young people, in other words, to you, who will be able to learn a lot while having fun.
  • ! Actualització el 12/05/2004 a les 14:00


+ 'Warriors of Xi’an' displays a selection of Chinese funerary art.
During the months of the Forum, there will be many exhibitions, but there are four that stand out, partly because of the format they use: 'Voices', which focuses on linguistic diversity and lets you hear what many of the five thousand languages spoken in the world sound like; 'Inhabiting the World', which is about the relationship between human being and the environment; 'Cities-Corners', which evaluates the importance of cities as meeting places in which people of different cultures come into contact; and 'Warriors of Xi'an', which displays a selection of the terracotta statues, considered the eighth wonder of the world.


+ There is a section of board games from all over the world.
In the Forum complex, there is a games area with two separate sections: one for making toys with everyday or recycled materials, and one for board games from all over the world, especially typical games from different cultures, such as Backgammon, chess, domino, tablut... Not to forget the official game of the Forum, called Terra, a card game in which the players have to collaborate with each other in order to save the planet from the dangers that threaten it. A fun way of promoting the three themes of the Forum.


+ 'Move the World' is one of the permanent shows.
As with the exhibitions and the games, there are plenty of shows to choose from. We shall mention three permanent ones, in other words, they continue throughout the duration of the Forum. One of them is 'Fantòtems', a giant puppet show that is conceived as a game in which questions are asked that are difficult to answer. You can also learn through 'The Giant of the 7 Seas', a creature that is twelve metres tall and, through his acrobatics, teaches us the importance of preserving the environment. Finally, you can take part in the street parades, which take place both during the day and at night.


  • Fòrum 2004
    Web oficial del Fòrum Barcelona 2004.
  • L'Escola al Fòrum 2004
    Programa sobre el Fòrum adreçat a infants i joves de tres anys a divuit, i a mestres i familiars: activitats, propostes de feina, jocs virtuals, vincles d'interès...
  • Els guerrers de Xi'an
    Dossier digital del CRP Baix Llobregat 6 que fa una aproximació al medi geogràfic i històric de les dinasties xineses Qin i Han. Conté les guies didàctiques de l'exposició permanent del Fòrum 'Guerrers de Xi'an'.
  • Observatori de Crisis
    Pàgina de la Fundació CIDOB que vol fer conèixer els conflictes actuals del món i facilitar-ne la comprensió.
  • Centre UNESCO de Catalunya
    Associació que treballa per dur a terme projectes de contribució al desenvolupament i per fer arribar a la UNESCO les aportacions de la comunitat cultural catalana.
  • Nous catalans
    Onze retrats sobre una realitat emergent: la immigració.
  • Edualter
    Xarxa de recursos sobre educació per a la pau, el desenvolupament i la interculturalitat.


  • This year, it is thirty years since the discovery of the tomb of the Chinese emperor Zheng, also known as Qinshi Huangdi. The funeral complex that was found was surrounded by thousands of life-size figures of warriors and horses. What we can see at the Forum at the 'Warriors of Xi'an' exhibition is a sample of the pieces found in this complex.
  • The Forum also offers exhibitions of traditional sports from all over the world: traditional bowling, log-chopping, Gaelic football, Turkish wrestling, regattas for batel boats...
  • 'Water Landscapes' is the name of the installation at the Forum where water is the protagonist: a thousand water jets that vary in height, colour and shape when the audience co-operates with each other.


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Com apuntar-s'hi


Jocs en línia sobre el Fòrum Universal de les Cultures.
'Moure el Món', un dels espectacles permanents.
Participeu en el xat del Fòrum.
Els escenaris de l'esdeveniment.
I també...
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