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![]() > The Controversial Restoration… > ... of a Masterpiece > The Hero of Florence dijous, 25 de març de 2004
This year, a very special anniversary is being celebrated: it is five hundred years since the genius of sculpture, painting, architecture and poetry Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564) finished one of the most successful sculptures of the Renaissance and one of the most popular of all time: his 'David'.
Michelangelo took three years, from 1501 to 1504, to sculpt the monumental marble statue, commissioned by the guild of wool weavers of Florence. The extraordinary measurements of the piece (it is 4.10 metres tall) meant that it was soon baptised the 'giant' by Florentines. In January 1504, a commission of the leading men of Florence, including renowned artists such as Leonardo da Vinci and Sandro Botticelli, decided to place the 'David' at the entrance to the Palazzo della Signoria, located on the square which formed the true political and social centre of the Tuscan city. It was shown to the public for the first time on the 8th of September 1504. The 'David' remained on this site until 1873, when the decision was taken to relocate it to the Accademia Gallery, in order to protect it and prevent damage from the elements. It goes without saying that Michelangelo's masterpiece is the main attraction of the museum, which receives over one million two hundred thousand visitors, year after year.
The Controversial Restoration…Because of the corrosion it has suffered over the centuries and the fact that this year it celebrates its five-hundredth anniversary, the 'David' is being restored since last September until this May. But it must be said that the restoration work has been at the centre of a controversy, because some experts and art critics have expressed their concerns that the materials used would damage the famous statue even further. But there are others who point out that the restoration is clearly improving its appearance. The fact that last year, the restorer Agnese Parronchi abandoned the restoration work for fear of the cleaning materials damaging the sculpture only increased the controversy.
... of a MasterpieceThe 'David' is a marble sculpture representing David, the king of Israel and hero who, according to the Bible, beat the Philistine giant Goliath, thereby ensuring the survival of the Jewish people. Michelangelo depicted this figure from the Old Testament totally nude, and he did so with incredible mastery. The 'David' of this Tuscan artistic genius comes across as young, athletic, defiant and with an expressive look of alertness before the imminent battle he must fight. A masterpiece that fully subscribes to the artistic cannons of the Renaissance, which state that the human figure must be depicted with the maximum perfection, highlighting its aesthetic qualities.
The Hero of FlorenceIn the time of Michelangelo, Florence was a prosperous city which attracted the best artists, who were supported by generous and cultured patrons. The city was proud to be the homeland of arts and culture, and was very protective of its independence which was, however, threatened by powerful and well populated neighbouring towns. Bear in mind that at that time, the Italian peninsula was made up by many states, with lots of fighting between them. In this context, the biblical figure of King David, who vanquished Goliath by using his cunning instead of his strength, became a symbol of Florence; a city that, although it didn't have the greatest army of the time, could, however, boast of its position as the capital of culture.
> El 'David', vist des d'angles diversos.
> David i Goliat, figures de l'Antic Testament.
> L'escultura, digitalitzada.
> La Galeria de l'Acadèmia, emplaçament de l'escultura.
I també...
- Florença, ciutat-museu.
- La Capella Sixtina, decorada per Miquel Àngel.
- 'La pietat', esculpida per un Miquel Àngel de vint-i-cinc anys.
- Dibuixos d’aquest artista.
- La cúpula de la basílica de Sant Pere del Vaticà, projectada pel Miquel Àngel arquitecte.
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