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Ancient Egypt on a Website

The Tomb of Tutankhamun

The Pyramids of Giza

The Lighthouse of Alexandria

dimarts, 16 de març de 2004
Eternal Egypt: this is the name of a spectacular and comprehensive website that follows the long history of Egypt, from the beginning of the age of the pharaohs, in the early third millennium BC, to modern-day Egypt.

The website includes a whole range of high-resolution images, 3-D reconstructions of the countless Egyptian monuments, panoramic pictures and views of modern Egypt taken from the most incredible places. All in all, the aim is to put the fantastically rich Egyptian civilisation within the reach of any internet surfer, by using the very latest technology.

Eternal Egypt, which is accessible in English, French and Arabic, offers different options for taking a virtual journey through Egyptian culture, such as an interactive map, a historical timeline, a multimedia section and a library. Moreover, all kinds of topics are dealt with, while giving an idea of the most valuable and symbolic works of art kept in Egyptian museums.

The website forms part of a project of the same name, which has been made possible by a collaboration between the IT company IBM and the Egyptian government, through the Egyptian Centre for Documentation of Cultural and Natural Heritage; a collaboration that has spanned the last three years.

The Tomb of Tutankhamun

+ The gold mask, perhaps the most famous Egyptian antiquity ever found.
Eternal Egypt provides all kinds of information on the tomb of Tutankhamun, from articles to photographs, and even the opportunity to take a virtual tour to see what it was like when it was discovered in 1922. The discovery was made by Howard Carter, a British Egyptologist, and his patron, Lord Carnarvon, who identified it in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt. The remarkable treasures found in the tomb had all remained intact throughout the centuries, and they now make up a collection of artefacts that is unique in the world. The inside of the burial chamber contained a gold coffin with the mummy of Tutankhamun and a gold mask that covered his face.

The Pyramids of Giza

+ The three pyramids of Giza: Khufu, Khafra and Menkaure.
You have undoubtedly heard of the Seven Wonders of the World, in other words, the seven architectural and sculptural works that, in ancient times, were considered to be the great artistic creation of mankind. Well, of the seven, two are Egyptian. One is the Great Pyramid, or the Pyramid of Khufu, which owes its name to the pharaoh which had it built to protect his body once dead. Because, in fact, the pyramids were huge burial monuments, and thousands and thousands of people took part in building them. The Pyramid of Khufu is one of the three pyramids of Giza (the other two are those of Khafra and Menkaure).

The Lighthouse of Alexandria

+ Earthquakes toppled lighthouse of Alexandria in the fourteenth century.
And what was the other Egyptian Wonder of the World? It was the legendary lighthouse of Alexandria, the city founded by Alexander the Great (356- 323 BC) on the Nile delta. The lighthouse was one hundred and fifty metres high, the tallest monument of its time, and it guided approaching ships by night and by day until well into the fourteenth century, when it collapsed due to a series of natural disasters. The Catalan word 'far' (lighthouse) takes its name from the ancient island of Faros, where this ancient masterpiece was located.


  • Eternal Egypt
    Web del projecte Eternal Egypt, que permet de fer un tomb virtual per la cultura egípcia.
  • Egipte
    Unitat didàctica del portal edu365 sobre l'antic Egipte.
  • Activitats
    Un parell de programes amb activitats relatives a la civilització egípcia: 'Art' i 'Societat i religió'.
  • Recursos
    Selecció de recursos de la Xarxa Telemàtica Educativa de Catalunya (XTEC) sobre Egipte a l'antiguitat.
  • L'antic Egipte
    Interactiu espai del Museu Britànic, pensat perquè els escolars aprofundeixin en l'antiga civilització del Nil.
  • Egipcis
    Una altra pàgina, aquesta de la BBC, que informa a bastament de la mil·lenària cultura egípcia.


  • We owe a great deal of what we know of the ancient Egyptian civilisation to the French Egyptologist Jean-François Champollion, who in 1822 deciphered the Egyptian writing system, known as hieroglyphics, using mostly the Rosetta stone, which contained an inscription in Greek, in hieroglyphics and in demotic script, another type of Egyptian writing.
  • The Greek historian Herodotus, who lived in the fifth century BC, claimed that Egypt was a gift from the Nile. A couple of times a year, the river overflowed and flooded everything, fertilising a land that then gave fruit in abundance.
  • In fact, the Nile was seen as a god, one of the many worshipped by the ancient Egyptians. It was only during a short period of time, more specifically during the reign of the pharaoh Akhenaten, in the fourteenth century BC, that Egypt instigated the cult of the sun god, known as Aten, excluding all the other gods.


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Com apuntar-s'hi


Mapa de l'antic Egipte, amb activitat pràctica inclosa.
El Nil, do d'Egipte.
Passeig virtual per l'art i la cultura egípcies.
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