> Free Software... > ...and its Pioneers > Wikipedia: an Encyclopaedia that is Open to Everyone dilluns, 9 de febrer de 2004
On the 4th of February, the first update in Catalan of the OpenOffice.org (version 1.1) computer system was presented. The event took place at the Open University of Catalonia, just over a year after the Softcatalà group translated the first version, known as 1.0.
This new software, developed by Star Office (owned by the Californian company Sun Microsystems), includes word processing, spreadsheet management, a drawing programme and editing application in HTML format. It also includes spellchecking in Catalan, Spanish, French and English. It is, then, a comprehensive product which can already be downloaded from the internet free of charge and with just a click of the mouse. You might also like to know that it is available in two different operating systems: GNU/Linux and Windows. So how come one can get OpenOffice 1.1 free of charge? Well, among other reasons, because it is based on something called free software, which we explain below. Free Software...
+ The Free Software Foundation was created with the intention of promoting free software.
Computer programmes and operating systems that are based on open code have two basic features: they can be continuously modified, and they are either free or at least accessible at very low prices. Free software is becoming more and more widespread among individuals and companies that use it and try to improve it, thereby contributing to the democratisation of the web. This is what differentiates it from programmes created by most of the big IT firms which, although some of them also offer free products, do not allow the user to study them, modify them and, ultimately, to improve their quality.
...and its PioneersOn the 25th of August 1991, a Finnish student at the University of Helsinki, named Linus Benedict Torvalds, created the Linux operating system. This date marks a turning point in the development of free software. However, its origins must be sought in earlier date: the 27th of September 1983. On that day, a young North-American by the name of Richard Stallman laid the foundations by launching the GNU Project. The following year, in 1984, Stallman created the Free Software Foundation, with the intention of promoting free software. Today, twenty years later, operating systems such as GNU/Linux, OpenOffice.org and Mozilla are used by millions of users who can also freely help to improve them.
Wikipedia: an Encyclopaedia that is Open to Everyone
+ Wikipedia has over 450,000 published articles in around fifty languages.
As well as being a money-saver, free software is a very democratic initiative, because everyone who wants to can contribute their own knowledge. But on the internet we can also find a bunch of projects that have the same democratic spirit. This is true of Wikipedia, an on-line encyclopaedia that has the unusual feature of being open to the participation of all internet surfers. That's right. Anybody can contribute their grain of sand by writing on the most varied subjects, such as science, history, philosophy, art or sports. Currently, Wikipedia has over 450,000 published articles in around fifty languages, including Catalan. And this number just doesn't stop growing!
> Descripció de l'OpenOffice.org 1.1.
> Col·loqui sobre orígens i desenvolupament del programari de codi lliure.
> Prestacions del sistema operatiu de codi lliure GNU/Linux.
> Vídeo que n'explica els avantatges.
I també...
- Richard Stallman, pare del programari lliure.
- Respostes a les qüestions més freqüents sobre informàtica i noves tecnologies.
- Diccionari bàsic de tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació.
- Un pingüí de nom Tux, mascota de Linux.
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