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'The Lord of the Rings': 'The Return of the King'

The fight between good and evil


J. R. R. Tolkien

dijous, 11 de desembre de 2003
Followers of the fantastical and epic world of 'The Lord of the Rings' are celebrating. The 17th December is the date set for the general release in cinemas throughout the world of the third part of the trilogy, 'The Return of the King', directed by Peter Jackson, who was also the director of the first two films, 'The Fellowship of the Ring' and 'The Two Towers'. All three are based on the great work of the writer J. R. R. Tolkien.

Everything points to another great success for this third instalment, as was already acclaimed by the other two. We already have some idea of the passion it will arouse from the events of the 30th November, the date of the world premiere. In the city of Wellington, capital of New Zealand, a crowd of approximately 100,000 enthusiastic fans congregated around a walkway along which the stars of the film paraded: Liv Tyler, Viggo Mortensen, Elijah Wood, Orlando Bloom and Sir Ian McKellen, along with Peter Jackson himself, who has declared 'The Return of the King' to be the best of the three films.

Although the film is not on general release here for a few days yet, the more impatient among us have been able to satisfy our curiosity to some degree: since the end of September the official website of 'The Lord of the Rings' gives a trailer lasting 150 seconds. But if you are enthusiasts of 'The Lord of the Rings' saga, you will already know that this last instalment tells of the final battle that will decide the fate of the planet…
  • ! Actualització el 01/03/2003 a les 07:30
  • + Secció de Nosaltres.Com: Cinema

The fight between good and evil

+ Gollum: an evildoer character of 'The Lord of the Rings'.
The fantastical world of 'The Lord of the Rings' is full of men, wizards, dwarves and hobbits who inhabit a mythical land called Middle-earth, in which kind and good characters mingle with others who are terrifyingly treacherous. This great trilogy narrates the tribulations of the young hobbit Frodo, of easygoing nature and noble and sincere character. He has been given the task of destroying a powerful ring, the One Ring, which is capable of spreading evil and darkness. Frodo must take the ring to the dark and evil land of Mordor, the only place at which it can be destroyed. But it is no easy task, and fulfilling it will require fighting the forces of evil, headed by the terrible Dark Lord Sauron, who strives to recover the ring that will give him back his lost power…


+ Gandalf is a venerable and powerful wizard.
In his difficult and risky enterprise, Frodo is accompanied by loyal friends such as Aragorn, a brave and highly-skilled warrior and descendent of the kings of men; Gandalf, the venerable and powerful wizard; Legolas, the young prince of the Kingdom of Mirkwood, who, like all elves, is bestowed with an extraordinary sense of sight and hearing; the beautiful Arwen, reputed to be the most beautiful living thing in Middle-earth; and Gimli, an impulsive dwarf, not given to subtlety. They must all stand up to the band of evildoers that, along with Sauron, includes the tortured and bitter Gollum, the proud wizard Saruman, the spider Shelob and the ghostly Witch King.

J. R. R. Tolkien

+ J.R.R. Tolkien wrote 'The Lord of the Rings' between 1954 and 1955.
John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, author of 'The Lord of the Rings' saga, was born in Bloemfontein, South Africa, in 1892. At the age of four, following the death of his father, he and his mother emigrated to Great Britain. Being orphaned at the age of twelve, his family's conversion to Catholicism and his service in the First World War (1914-1918), all had a decisive influence on the work of the writer. He was a student and don at Oxford University, an expert in medieval literature and highly knowledgeable of ancient languages. In 1937, he published 'The Hobbit', which he initially wrote for his children. But it was the continuation of this first book, 'The Lord of the Rings', written between 1954 and 1955, that was to consolidate his position as one of the greatest writers of fantasy literature. 'The Silmarillion' (1977) was the third masterpiece by this author with such a powerful imagination, and it was published posthumously.


  • 'El senyor dels anells'
    Pàgina oficial de la saga cinematogràfica 'El senyor dels anells'. Informa a bastament dels tres films que la formen, alhora que conté una secció multimèdia. A l'abast en anglès i espanyol.
  • Els valors dels anells
    Unitat didàctica de la Xarxa Telemàtica Educativa de Catalunya (XTEC) que pretén d'incitar a la lectura de la trilogia de l'escriptor J. R. R. Tolkien. Pensada per a estudiants de segon cicle d'ESO.
  • 'El senyor dels anells', per a estudiants
    Espai de la BBC adreçat als joves i centrat en el fenomen 'mediàtic' de 'El senyor dels anells' i en la figura de Tolkien: jocs, curiositats, imatges...
  • La saga, en català
    Informació en català de l'obra mestra de Tolkien: història, bestiari, personatges, localitzacions...Conté espais oberts a la participació dels internautes i una ressenya biogràfica de l'escriptor d'origen sud-africà.
  • The Tolkien Society
    Organització d'abast internacional dedicada a promoure l'interès i el coneixement de la vida i l'obra de John Ronald Reuel Tolkien.
  • The Mushroom House
    Web que mostra tots els racons d'una caseta situada enmig d'un bell paisatge de Whistler (Colúmbia Britànica, Canadà), directament inspirada en la de Bilbo Saquet, protagonista de 'El hòbbit', de J. R. R. Tolkien.


  • At the premiere of 'The Return of the King', the walkway on which the stars paraded was… five kilometres long!
  • The 'Lord of the Rings' trilogy was shot in New Zealand over fifteen months, cost three hundred million dollars and required 15,000 extras to give life to the most amazing creatures.
  • In the film trilogy of 'The Lord of the Rings', the pointed ears of the elves were made of gelatine, and the actors could only wear them once.
  • J. R. R. Tolkien was an expert in philology. At Oxford, the writer invented a language based on Finnish, which he called 'Quenya' and later used in his works.


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Com apuntar-s'hi


Vet aquí deu curiositats relacionades amb J. R. R. Tolkien i 'El senyor dels anells', la seva obra magna.
'El senyor dels anells', una lluita entre les forces del bé i del mal.
El 'trailer' de 'El retorn del rei' satisfarà, poc o molt, la teva curiositat.
Repassa la trajectòria literària de Tolkien.
I també...
  • Els elfs, habitants de la Terra Mitjana a 'El senyor dels anells', tenen una llengua pròpia.
  • La fal·lera pel llibre de Tolkien arriba a extrems insospitats.
  • Curioses 'races', les de 'El senyor dels anells'.
  • Els efectes especials, un dels atractius de la trilogia dirigida per Peter Jackson.
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