> Catalan Newcomers > A Host Country > The Challenge dimarts, 2 de desembre de 2003
On the 24th November last, the Department of Welfare and the Family of the Catalan Autonomous Government, launched the Comunitats.info online project created by Òmnium Cultural and VilaWeb. Its purpose is to give a picture of the reality behind the new waves of immigration and the new Catalans who have come here from all over the world.
Immigration is one of the greatest challenges faced by our country and by the majority of Western European states. In many cases, although not all, immigrants come here to escape poverty or the lack of freedom in their home countries, in search of a better future for themselves and their families. This goal is totally understandable. And of course they come with their own values, ways of thinking and view of life, which are often in contrast to those of the communities that receive them. But the fact that they are in contrast doesn't mean that they're not compatible. On the contrary, the coexistence of cultures always provides an enriching environment, and it should not be a problem if it is taken on board in an appropriate way, without any forms of prejudice. And to eliminate prejudice, what better than to foster mutual understanding between the groups? Well, as we said, that is precisely the intention of Comunitats.info, which we explain further below.
Catalan Newcomers
+ New Catalans have come here from all over the world.
Comunitats.info is based on the stories of eleven people who have come to the Principality from different parts of the world, indeed from four different continents. The new Catalans tell us about their points of view, their experiences, their social and work situations, and the very different circumstances that led them to move here. They also talk about the things that have surprised them about our country, and what they like and dislike about it. Each of these stories is written in Catalan and in one of the languages of the interviewed's home country. It's all accompanied by a section giving the basic facts on the country of origin and a brief description of that nationality's community here in the Principality. Finally, there is also an overview of Catalan history, culture and language.
A Host CountryOur country has a long tradition of offering asylum and it has been shaped by the contact with very diverse peoples and by the contributions of these different people, cultures and ideas. This has been reinforced by our geographic location, open to the Mediterranean sea, a true cradle of civilisations. The Iberians, the Phoenicians, the Greeks, the Romans, the Franks, the Jews, the Arabs… they have all left their cultural and human footprint. And the same can be said of the people who have come from different communities in Spain during the last century. Well all this rich heritage is what will allow us to successfully face the challenge of this new wave of immigration, and together to build a free and tolerant country founded on solidarity.
The Challenge
+ Immigration is one of the greatest challenges faced by our country.
Because it is as a challenge, and not as a problem, that one must look upon the phenomenon of modern migration. It's clear that most of the newcomers come from countries with cultural and religious traditions that are not of the majority here or in most of Europe. But this, far from intimidating us, must allow us to create the conditions to ensure peaceful coexistence. And how can this be done? Well, it's not easy, but we can point out a few factors that should make it possible: decent working conditions for everyone, access to quality education for the whole population, regulation of the flood of immigration, and aid to developing countries.
> La Festa de la Diversitat d'enguany fou un clam en favor del dret de vot dels immigrants.
> Martin Luther King, símbol de la lluita pels drets civils de les minories.
I també...
- La comunitat equatoriana és força estesa al Principat.
- L'urdú és una de les moltes llengües parlades als carrers de les grans ciutats de casa nostra.
- Sheriff Jarju va travessar el desert a peu abans d'arribar al nostre país.
- Ésser musulmà, una forma com una altra d'ésser català.
- Llegeix la Declaració Universal dels Drets Humans.
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