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Vic: Music Capital

The Perfect Setting

An Alternative and Diverse Music Festival

Sona 9: the Grand Finale

dijous, 25 de setembre de 2003
This coming 25th to 28th of September, Vic will host the fifteenth edition of the Mercat de Música Viva de Vic (MMVV). For four days, the capital city of Osona will be the backdrop for numerous concerts and activities relating to the music industry, including the Fira del Disc record fair, exhibitions and conferences on a wide variety of topics.

The Mercat is considered the final summer music event not-to-be-missed, as not only does it provide a spotlight for popular and traditional music in particular, it also brings together other musical styles that, for one reason or another, haven't found their niche in the multinational-controlled music market.

Included among objectives for this year are: the creation of a space dedicated to new music coming out of Lisbon (Portugal); highlighting the Maghreb as an appellation of musical origin; fostering collaborations with musicians from Quebec, Colombia, Chile, Argentina and Brazil; and strengthening a greater presence of musicians coming from both Spain and around the world, with the aim of making the Mercat an increasingly more international and cosmopolitan musical event.

As for music in Catalan, the Mercat specifically focuses on two particular musical spheres that have become increasingly prominent in recent years: roots or traditional music, and both alternative and independent pop-rock music composed by young Catalan-speakers.

It is expected that a guaranteed crowd will gather in Vic, to enjoy a sample of the wide variety of music available. Or at least that is what figures from 2002 attendance suggest, as last year, around 120,000 spectators flocked to pay a visit to the historical Catalan city to vibrate with the musical selection of over a thousand artists.

The Perfect Setting

+ The location of Vic is very appropriate to hosting the Mercat de Música Viva.
The location of Vic is very appropriate to hosting this sort of a musical event. The two thousand year-old city gives visitors a delightful surprise as they discover the hidden charm of its civil and religious architecture, displayed through the main artistic styles that emerged over the centuries as being emblematic to our country. The Roman Temple (constructed in the second century AD), numerous Romanesque, Gothic and Baroque buildings and the Catalan Modernist architecture of the end of the 19th century, all stand as evidence of the historic value of the city. A worth affirmed, incidentally, during that same century when the capital city of Osona emerged as avant-guard within the literary and cultural movement of the Catalan Renaissance and was equally recognized for its eminent role in the formulation of early Catalanist ideas.

An Alternative and Diverse Music Festival

+ The Mercat is considered the final summer music event not-to-be-missed.
We have previously mentioned that the Mercat de Música Viva de Vic hopes to achieve circumvent the commercial market, dominated by the large multinationals, and show clear support of alternative and original works. And yet that doesn't mean to say that there is no variety involved. Quite the contrary, in fact, as this year, a wide array of musical styles will be heard, including original music from singer-songwriters, pop-rock, jazz, flamenco, fados, funk, blues, folk and traditional, musical crossbreeding…as well as performances aimed at the younger audiences, which will be lead by such groups as Pa Sucat, Amapei and El Tramvia Blanc.

Sona 9: the Grand Finale

+ Sona 9: a pop-rock competition.
The 3rd Annual edition of the Pop-Rock Demo Competition Maquetes Sona 9 will be held on September 26th at 6:30pm. The competition is organized by K3's, Catalunya Ràdio's program 'Catacrac' and Enderrock magazine. The winning group will be given the opportunity to record and edit a CD and videoclip, and will be able to benefit from a promotion campaign and concert tour. The four finalists for this year are: Dèneu, a pop quintet from Elx (Baix Vinalopó); Net Flanders, a group from Hostalric (La Selva) who combine funk, heavy metal and rap; Dust, a rock quartet from the US; and Shitting Milks, a group from Sant Cugat del Vallès (Vallès Occidental), whose musical experimentation includes both disco and Latino rhythms. Good luck to them all!


  • Mercat de Música Viva de Vic
    Web oficial d'aquest festival de música que es fa a Vic. Informa dels concerts i les activitats programades, com també dels artistes que hi són convidats.
    Portal que conté informació dels diferents estils musicals, amb notícies tant de casa nostra com d’arreu del món.
  • Música i cançons
    Una llista de cançons populars europees classificades per estats i un exhaustiu vocabulari musical formen el gruix d'aquesta pàgina.
  • La Caixa de Música
    Documentat treball realitzat per alumnes de l'IES Bellvitge de l'Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelonès) en què es relacionen diferents aspectes musicals amb la física i les matemàtiques.
  • Història de la música
    Pàgina que ressegueix l'evolució de la música des del temps antic fins a l'actualitat.
  • Vic
    Pàgina oficial de l'Ajuntament de Vic, amb tot d'informació sobre aquesta ciutat: cultura, història, turisme...
  • El patrimoni arquitectònic de Vic
    Espai de l'Ajuntament de Vic dedicat a l'arquitectura civil i religiosa de la capital d'Osona.


  • Nearly 60% of the musical ensembles present at the Mercat de Música Viva de Vic come from the Principality, the Valencian country and the Balearic Islands. Among the dedicated musicians and groups that make up this significant percentage are Gerard Quintana, Lax'n'Busto and Los Manolos, however the Mercat also features an equal presence of newcomers who are focusing a dedicated effort to making their way in the music world. Also included on the bill are a number of groups from the Basque Country and Galicia that are well worth a listen.
  • Enderrock music magazine, a collaborator in organizing the Maquetes Sona 9 competition, was the first magazine to appear in our country. This year marks its 10-year anniversary.


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Com apuntar-s'hi


Repassa els artistes que participen enguany en el Mercat de Música Viva de Vic. Que en coneixes gaires?
Fixa't en l'esclat que va tenir el rock català la dècada del 1990.
Fes un cop d’ull a l'imponent patrimoni arquitectònic de Vic, capital d'Osona.
Posa't al corrent dels estils musicals més variats passejant pel portal
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