> Charlemagne, Founder of Andorra…? > A Country Surrounded by Mountains > The Constitution of the Principality of Andorra
dimarts, 11 de març de 2003
Andorra is a tiny country nestled in the Pyrenean valleys. Its long history dates back to the feudal society of the Middle Ages. Such feudal origins are responsible for some of Andorra's unique historical features.
Until only recently, the lands of Andorra were governed jointly by the 'co-princes': the Bishop of Urgell and the french head of state, the latter in his capacity as the successor to the Counts of Foix. But sovereignty now resides with the Andorran people since the 1993 passage of their own constitution, although they retain the co-princes as the titular heads of state. The Principality of Andorra celebrates its tenth anniversary of the referendum approving the country's first written constitution this coming Friday. On March 14, 1993, the citizens of Andorra voted on a document that established the territory as a 'democratic, independent, social and legal state'. Shortly after adopting the constitution, Andorra was admitted to the UN on July 28, 1993, a step that all at once elevated catalan to the status of an international language.
Charlemagne, Founder of Andorra…?Principality citizens proudly assert that Andorra was founded by Charlemagne, the king of the franks. According to legend, at the order of Marc Almugàver 5,000 Andorrans presented themselves at the Carol valley to assist Charlemagne's armies camped at Pimorent and Campcardós in their defense against the Moors. The grateful Emperor extended his protection to Andorra and declared it a sovereign country (788 AD). A charter exists (whose veracity is not accepted by all historians) that declares Andorran pay tribute to the Emperor, although only 'a fish or two' was required, a curious detail that stands as the first mention of trout from the Valira River that crosses the Principality. Regardless of actual truth, the fact is that the national anthem resounds with references to the events of the legend.
A Country Surrounded by Mountains
+ Andorra is a very mountainous country.
Andorra is a very mountainous country, with peaks rising to 3,000 meters. Ascents to the summits of Coma Pedrosa (2,942 m), of Estanyó (2,915 m) and Serrera (2,913 m.) among others, allow hikers to enjoy the beautiful and solitary landscape. From the top of Pica d'Estats (3,143 m), our country's highest peak, the views offered of the andorran valleys are always spectacular. By the same token, another of Andorra's major tourist attractions are its numerous and wondrous variety of glacial lakes. The Pessons circle, the lakes of Tristaina and Juclar are the best examples.
The Constitution of the Principality of Andorra
+ Andorra, a coutry with a new constitution.
As noted above, the president of the French Republic and the Bishop of Urgell serve as the co-princes of Andorra. One is chosen by the french people and the other by the Vatican, although neither has to respond to those who appointed them. Their decisions are sovereign, albeit much limited by the andorran constitution. The Principality's constitution actually proclaims that sovereignty lies with the andorran people, who exercise this right via various forms of civic participation. Respect for and pursuit of liberty, equality, justice, tolerance, protections of human rights and personal dignity constitute the foundations of the Andorran legal text, which also recognizes catalan as the official language.
> Saps la lletra de l'himne oficial d'Andorra? Fes clic aquí i la podràs llegir.
> Carlemany és considerat el fundador d'Andorra. Saps qui va ésser aquest personatge històric. Esbrina-ho en aquesta pàgina dedicada a la història del Principat. Hi trobaràs la resposta per poc que hi tafanegis.
> La divisa 'Virtus unita fortior' senya l'escut andorrà. Saps què vol dir aquesta expressió llatina? La resposta és aquí.
> Fins fa deu anys Andorra era, de dret, un país feudal. Què en saps, del model feudal? Aquesta pàgina de l'XTEC te'n dóna informació.
I també...
- Andorrà és dividida en set parròquies. Quines? La resposta, en aquesta adreça electrònica.
- Andorra és un país molt muntanyós, amb cims que voregen els 3.000 metres d'altitud i llacs d'origen glaciar. Comprova-ho fent un clic a la web d'Andorra.com.
- Cerca en aquest mapa les set parròquies andorranes. Les hi trobes totes? Quina és la més septentrional?
- Quina és la capital d’Andorra? I la llengua oficial? Les respostes, al text de la constitució andorrana.
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