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![]() > Bound By Attraction, Bound By Gravity > The Mysterious Universe > Cosmic Screen Savers
dijous, 20 de febrer de 2003
The true age of the universe has finally been pinned down. It was born 13.7 billion years ago: the moment of the explosion called the Big Bang. All the universe's matter and energy was originally concentrated inside a tiny nucleus with an extremely high temperature. Unknown forces caused the explosion, which was subsequently followed by a rapid expansion and then a cooling of the universe that persists to the present day.
Determining the universe's age was made possible by the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP), which captured the image of the radiation at the bottom of the universe. Data which has additionally confirmed both the Big Bang and inflation theories of the universe: the idea that due to the effects of gravity, the universe will always continue to expand and cool rather than contracting once again. Scientists have been working on the project under the direction of Charles Bennet from the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Their findings can be viewed at NASA's website. The images captured by WMAP provided other data surprises. For example, it's been determined that the first stars were burned some 200 million years before the Big Bang, much sooner than previously supposed. It has also been determined that the universe did not become transparent until 370,000 years after the first huge explosion. Up to that time, it more closely resembled a nebulous cloud. Bound By Attraction, Bound By Gravity![]()
+ Isaac Newton formulated the Universal Law of Gravitation.
According to legend, it was more than 300 years ago that the physicist Isaac Newton sat beneath an apple tree and was struck by a falling apple. The blow inspired him to eventually formulate the Universal Law of Gravitation, which proposed that all objects - not only those of this world, but of the entire universe - are attracted according to the magnitude and distance that separates them. His law finally explained why the planets moved around the Sun. According to Newton, planets possess a force that propels them along a rectilinear trajectory but the superior attraction of the sun causes them to revolve around it in an elliptical orbit. The ideas of this great English scientist went unchallenged for 200 years until Einstein's theory of relativity questioned its universality.
The Mysterious UniverseDespite the huge strides science has made in recent years, the universe continues to baffle us. Visible stars and living beings make up only 4% of the universe. Its remaining contents include 23% of a dark matter that is still not understood and 73% of a mysterious energy about which nothing is known other than it is responsible for the expansion of the universe. What's more, even though these latest results confirm the Big Bang theory, exactly what caused it remains a mystery. Some scientists believe that the universe we inhabit was formed from another universe, probably inside a black hole.
Cosmic Screen Savers![]()
+ Images of the universe are among the most popular screen savers.
For most of our computers, if we leave them on without using them for a certain of time passes, a previously selected image, known as a screen saver, will appear on screen. Well, it turns out that images of the universe are among the most popular screen savers. There are many spectacular screensavers to be found on the Web, ranging from space stations to planets and amazing feats by astronauts. And all of them can be downloaded free of charge.
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