> New York, City of Welcome > Gaudí and Masonry > Originality consists in returning to the origin
dijous, 23 de gener de 2003
Although the much-feted Year of Gaudí ended last year, the Catalan architectural genius continues to make news. On January 23, the Generalitat will present a project for a hotel and recreational center designed by Antoni Gaudí for New York City. And what's more, the presentation has an ambitious aspiration: to build it on 'Ground Zero', the area of Manhattan razed by the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.
The project, named Hotel Attraction, was conceived by the architect from Reus (Baix Camp) between 1908 and 1911 at the request of a North American businessman. The architectural design consists of seven diminutive sketches on writing paper. Had it been built, it would have been the tallest structure in this city of skyscrapers. The proposed structure ? 300 meters high ? would consist of one extremely tall tower surrounded by towers of lesser height, much in the same style as the Sacred Family Temple. The plan includes ample rooms on all facades as well as immense interiors housing five dining facilities representing the cuisines of each continent. The plans were unpublished until 1956, when they were recovered by Gaudí's disciple, Llorenç Matamala i Piñol, who redrafted the drawings by the end of the 50's. The design Gaudí conceived over a century ago will be presented by Marc Mascrot at the Graduate Center of City University of New York (CUNY) during an event organized by the Catalan Consortium for the External Promotion of Culture (COPEC).
New York, City of WelcomeNew York is the most cosmopolitan of cities. Historically housing peoples from all over the world, the most diverse cultures coexist in the Big Apple. So much so, that it has become a genuine melting pot: regardless of his or her origins, everyone feels at home. New York epitomizes nothing less than the 'American Dream', the promised land where everyone has a chance. Since its occupation by Dutch merchants in 1626, New York has always been a city of self-confident entrepreneurs. Nonetheless, the tragedy of 9-11 hit hard. For the first time, the city – along with the rest of the U.S. – experienced what it meant to be vulnerable. It will be some time before New York completely recovers its characteristic optimism.
Gaudí and MasonryGaudí's biographers have long debated whether this architectural genius had Mason sympathies, a movement originated with the medieval guilds of stonemasons that built cathedrals, palaces, and other edifices. Over the centuries, freemasons formed societies that promoted liberty and universal fraternity, and espoused the basic belief that one 'architect' had created the universe. Masons gathered in lodges where they practiced their own series of rituals. Biographers point to the Masonic symbols that turn up in signature Gaudí works ranging from Güell Park to the Sacred Family Temple. Others who see Gaudí as the most orthodox of Catholics, and an unlikely subscriber to such heterodox doctrines, roundly reject this idea.
Originality consists in returning to the originThis Gaudí aphorism summarizes the beauty of his artistic philosophy. Born in Reus in 1852, he was a keen observer of nature from his earliest years, and his works replicated its forms and colors in a way that was completely unique and unprecedented. The son of a Riudoms copper maker, he always maintained his links to the artisan trades. He was immersed in the ideas of the Catalan Renaissance, a movement that idealized the nation’s historical origins. It was the sum of these factors that drove Gaudí's search for what was original, authentic and completely devoid of pretense. He defied the laws of gravity with structures replete with every expression of the natural world: curves, angled columns, paraboloids, simple geometric lines. As he said himself, ‘Everything comes from the great book of nature’.
> Històricament, Nova York ha estat una ciutat d'acollida, on hi ha arribat gent de tots els països del món. Comprova-ho tu mateix en aquesta pàgina. N'hi ha prou que escriguis el nom i el cognom que tu vulguis. Potser fins i tot trobaràs algú que es deia igual que tu.
> Els ideals artístics, Gaudí els va saber exposar en sentències ben enginyoses. Aquí en podràs llegir unes quantes. Quina t'ha impactat més? Per què?
> Saps quin va ésser la primera obra per encàrrec oficial que Gaudí va dur a terme a Barcelona? Trobaràs la resposta en la pàgina que l'ajuntament d'aquesta ciutat ha fet per commemorar l'any Gaudí. N'hi ha prou que tafanegis una mica.
> Coneixes els principals elements que caracteritzen el Modernisme? Te'n podràs assabentar en la amena i divertida pàgina que l'XTEC dedica a aquest moviment cultural.
I també...
- Eusebi Güell va ésser el gran mecenes de Gaudí. Saps d'on era originària la família Güell? Cerca'n la resposta en aquesta adreça electrònica.
- S'ha parlat sovint de la possibilitat que Gaudí hagués mantingut contactes amb la maçoneria. En aquest text et podràs assabentar dels pros i contres d'aquesta hipòtesi.
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