> Solar Energy > Font Romeu's Solar Oven > Sources of Renewable Energy
dilluns, 13 de gener de 2003
With each passing day, more and more individuals, groups, and even states are choosing non-polluting renewable energy sources over conventional ones. And now the Australian government wants to support this impulse by contracting Enviromission to build a one thousand meter solar tower.
This engineering feat will be erected in Buronga, in New South Wales and will be twice the height of Toronto’s Canadian National Tower, the world’s tallest structure to date. Housed inside a glass structure measuring seven kilometers in length, the finished tower be will as wide as a soccer field. The experts at Enviromission estimate that the gargantuan tower will produce enough energy to power more than 200,000 homes and save the combustion from more than 700,000 tons of fossil fuels used to produce electricity. Using a cutting-edge technology that works even at night, solar radiation heats the air inside the tower, which then propel electricity-generating turbines. Designed by the German engineering firm Schlaich Bergeman, the tower will cost one billion Australian dollars and is slated for completion by the end of 2006. The tower has already achieved distinction by being named one of Time Magazine’s Best Inventions of 2002. Solar EnergyDespite all evidence that the sun is the most essential source of energy, solar energy wasn't contemplated as a serious option until the 1973 oil shortages constrained so many countries. A surprising delay, considering the wide range of uses solar energy provides: from the production of electricity using solar power and photovoltaic stations to the heating of water. All those modern amenities we now view as indispensable such as hot water, light, and even heating can all be supplied by solar power.
Font Romeu's Solar OvenThe world's largest solar oven is located in the village of Odelló, just one kilometer from the Font Romeu ski station (in Alta Cerdanya). This large complex, made up of some 63 mirrors, can reach temperatures of up to 3400º centigrade (6152 degrees Fahrenheit), and has been running since 1970. An interesting aside: the National Center for Scientific Research began to design a range of solar oven projects as far back as the end of World War II. The Odeillo oven is currently managed by the Institute of Materials and Procedures which oversees numerous research projects. Not far from Odelló, in Montlluís (also in Alta Cerdanya) is another remarkable oven which was installed by the Center in 1953.
Sources of Renewable EnergyLately, renewable energy sources- those that are inexhaustible and moreover, do not pollute the environment- have been a hot topic of discussion. This is due to an increasing ecological awareness in people, as well as to the catastrophic impact of recent environmental tragedies such as the Prestige disaster. There is no shortage of renewable energies, few of which have been sufficiently taken advantage of up to now. The most noteworthy forms include geothermal, solar, wind, tide and wave, and biomass.
> Saps què és l'energia geotèrmica? Cerca'n la resposta en aquesta pàgina dedicada a les diferents fonts d'energia renovable.
> El forn de Font-romeu es troba en un indret on fa molt de sol. En saps la mitjana de les hores de sol l'any que hi fa? Mira-ho aquí.
> Saps quines són les principals fonts contaminants de mars i oceans? Les trobaràs en aquesta adreça electrònica.
> T'agraden les endevinalles? Si cliques aquí, n'hi trobaràs moltes de relacionades amb el medi? N'hi ha fins i tot de ben curioses. Segueix les instruccions i mira d'encertar-ne tantes com puguis.
I també...
- En parlant d'Arquimedes hem dit que el podíem considerar l'inventor del forn solar i de moltes més coses. També se li atribueix una dita molt coneguda. Quina? La trobaràs en aquesta pàgina biogràfica.
- L'energia maremotriu depèn de la força d'atracció entre dos cossos. Quins? Cerca'n la resposta en la pàgina que l'XTEC dedica a les energies renovables.
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