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The birth of the first cloned baby has been announced

Scientists warnings

The origin of life

Dolly, the first cloned mammal

dimarts, 7 de gener de 2003
Some days ago, the french scientist Brigitte Boisselier, as a spokesperson for the company Clonaid which is related to the Raelian Movement, announced the birth of a clonic girl, genetically identical to her mother, a north american woman in her thirties. Boissilier assured that the girl was born by caesarean the 26th of December. If the news is confirmed this wil be the first cloned baby.

At the same time Boissilier said that the girl, named Eve, was 3,2 kilograms of weight when she was born, but she didn't specify the place where the girl was conceived because of security reasons. According to Clonaid, four more cloned babies will be born during the next weeks in Europe, North America and Asia.

The Raelian Movement is a sect created in 1997 by Claude Vorilhon, a french journalist who wants to be called Raël. The raelians claim that human life was created scientifically through DNA by an extraterrestrial race called Elohim. They also claim that clonation will make reality the dream of eternal life.

The possibility of the birth of the first cloned baby has already caused reactions in the political world. George Bush and Jacques Chirac, presidents of United States and France, have taken a position totally contrary to clonation. The Vatican has taken the same position and has qualified this technique as a brutal one.

The scientists have been sceptical about the news and doubt that Raelians possess the technique to practice human clonation. The answer of Boissier to the incredulity has been the announcement that a group of independent scientists will be able to certify the authenticity of the clone.

Scientists warnings

+ Scientifics warns about dangers of human clonation
Even there isn't a completely unanimity, many members of the scientific community have been warning about the dangers in the practise of human clonation. Concretely, scientists say that the technique of clonation is not yet enought developed to use it with humans. The experiments done with animals show that even sane clones have genetic alterations comparing to the original animal. That could be proved the year 2001 by a group of scientists of the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research and the University of Hawaii on the experiments done with mice. It is also important to know that the 99% of the attempts on cloning mammals fail for one reason or another. The only known attempt of human reproduction, done by the american company Advanced Cell Technology was also a failure.

The origin of life

+ Life on earth began about 3.800 million years ago.
Life on earth began about 3.800 million years ago, when the planet got cooler and water could appear. But life didn't begin by spontaneous generation, it was a long evolution which transformed inorganic substances into organic, and then into single-cell organisms which were becoming more and more complex. Even that, today nobody can explain in a definitive way why a group of organic substances turned into living entities. During the XX century it was developed the panspermia theory which believe that life arrived to earth with some bodies that crashed against the planet millions of years ago. One way or another, upholders of this idea have not been able either to discover how life began outside our planet.

Dolly, the first cloned mammal

+ Image of Dolly, the first cloned mammal
Up to now, clonation has been experimented with many mammals and it isn't an unsual technique. But it is very recent. On February the 23rd 1997 the Roslin Institute from Edinburgh (Scottland) announced the birth of the first cloned animal, a sheep populary known with the name of Dolly. The birth of Dolly started a polemic about the possibility of doing human clonation, and nowadays the polemic is not finished. Almost six years after its birth, Dolly is getting prematurely old and suffers from arthritis. This could happen due to a possible genetic error, a possibility that haven't been rejected by Ian Wilmut, the creator of the famous sheep.


  • El món de la genètica
    Pàgina de l'Edu365 que conté abundant informació sobre genètica. Inclou informació detallada de la genètica mendeliana, el genoma humà i l'enginyeria genètica.
  • Institut Roslin d'Edimburg
    Pàgina oficial de l'institut que va clonar l'ovella Dolly, el primer mamífer nascut mitjançant la tècnica de la clonació reproductiva.
  • L'origen de la vida
    Pàgina de la Xarxa Telemàtica Educativa de Catalunya que explica amb detall el procés que va desembocar en l'aparició de la vida a la Terra.
  • Biòlegs famosos
    Pàgina de l'Edu365 que conté les biografies dels biòlegs més eminents de les tres darreres centúries.
  • Advanced Cell Technology
    Pàgina oficial de l'empresa que va dur a terme el primer intent de clonació humana, l'únic fins ara reconegut per la comunitat científica.
  • Clonaid
    Pàgina oficial de la companyia que ha anunciat el naixement de dos nadons clònics. Clonaid manté lligams amb la secta dels raelians.


  • Roslin Institute and PPL Therapeutics were the first ones to clone a mammal, the sheep Dolly. The scientists named the sheep 'Dolly' after Dolly Parton, a country singer.
  • For many centuries it was believed that life began by spontaneous generation. Only in the XIX century, the french biologist Louis Pasteur proved that life didn't come out from nowhere. Pasteur also created the pasteurization method, wich permits the destruction of the microbes found in milk, wine and other liquid subtances.


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Com apuntar-s'hi


En es darrers temps es parla sovint de l'enginyeria genètica. Coneixes el significat d'aquests mots? Cerca'n la resposta en el glossari de biologia de l'Edu365.
Ara fa dos anys es va desxifrar el genoma humà, fet que de ben segur comportarà riscos i beneficis en un futur no molt llunyà. Llegeix aquest article i et podràs assabentar d'uns i altres.
La pasteurització va ésser descoberta pel gran biòleg francès Louis Pasteur. Saps en què consisteix aquest procediment que permet conservar els aliments en bon estat? Trobaràs la resposta clicant aquí.
De ben segur que n'has sentit a parlar, però saps exactament que és un gen? Cerca'n la resposta en aquesta pàgina electrònica.
I també...
  • Coneixes les diferències entre les clonacions reproductiva i terapèutica? Cerca-les en la pàgina que l'XTEC dedica a la bioètica. Les trobaràs per poc que tafanegis.
  • Tots els ésser vius tenen unes característiques comunes. Què les saps? Cerca-les aquí.
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