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Mouse genome has been decoded

Human genome

Mendel, father of genetics

Help from bioinformatics

dimarts, 10 de desembre de 2002
The 'Mouse Sequencing Consortium' (containing 12 countries, around 150 investigators and 45 investigation centres), has been able to decode the map of mouse genome. The scientific magazine Nature has published the conclusions of the investigation. One of them stands out: mice and humans share 99% of their 30,000 genes.

Thanks to this genetic coincidence, scientists will be able to fight human illnesses by means of the analysis of mice genes and experiments done with these rodents. One must bear in mind that the decoding of the 'book of life' of mice has permited the discovery of 1,200 human genes, the majority of which are related to cancer and other illnesses.

Genetic differences between humans and mice are found only in 300 genes. The genes that human have which mice are not yet known, but it is believed that they can be the ones related to brain development. What is known, however, are the 300 genes that mice have but aren't found in human genetic code. These genes are reponsible for the sense of smell, reproduction and immunity to most common rodent related diseases.

It shoudn't be forgotten that a team of bioinformatics from the Institut Municipal d'Investigació de Barcelona (IMIM, Barcelona Municipal Institute of Investigation) has actively intervened in this investigation.

Human genome

+ Human genome, a great discovery
The map of human genome was presented on the internet by the public consortium Human Genome Project and the private company Celera on the 11th of February, 2001. This is one of the main discoveries in the decoding of the genetic code. The results were astonishing. The scientists announced that all humans share 99'99 percent of our genetic code and that humans have only twice the genes of a fly or a worm. The discovery destroyed all racist theories and built new hopes to prevent and cure many illnesses. Now, the decoding of the mice genetic code has given even more hope.

Mendel, father of genetics

+ Mendel made a great contribution to science.
Genetics is the science of the phenomena of the heritage of living things. Today, genetic research is very advanced, but two centuries ago almost nothing was known. The first person that took it seriously was Johann Gregor Mendel, an augustine monk who was an abbot in the monastery of Brünn (situated in the Chezch Republic). In the garden of the monastery, Mendel experimented a lot with peas and beans. His investigations resulted in the creation of a number of laws named after him.

Help from bioinformatics

+ Bioinformatics has helped in the detemining of mice genetics.
Bioinformatics has been very helpful in the determining of mice genetics. It is a relatively new scientific modality. Three bioinformatics from the Institut d'Investigació Mèdica de Barcelona have been a part of the study: Josep Francesc Abril, Genís Parra and Roderic Guigó. The application of bioinformatics has allowed for the comparison of human and mice genomes with the use of special computer software which has much facilitated the work of the investigators.


  • Nature
    Revista científica que ha publicat via internet la seqüència del genoma del ratolí.
  • Human Genome Project
    Web del consorci públic que va participar activament en el desxiframent del genoma humà.
  • Celera
    Companyia privada que va col.laborar en el desxiframent del mapa genòmic humà.
  • Mouse Sequencing Consortium
    Web del consorci integrat per entitats públiques i privades que ha fet possible el desxiframent del genoma del ratolí.
  • Coneguem la genètica
    Web dedicada exclusivament a la genètica. Inclou abundant informació biogràfica de Gregor Mendel i de les lleis que va formular. En català.
  • Institut Municipal d'Investigació Mèdica de Barcelona
    Web de l'entitat on col.laboren els investigadors bioinformàtics que han participat en el desxiframent del genoma del ratolí.
  • El món de la genètica
    Pàgina web de l'Edu365 amb informació completa sobre la genètica d'avui i del passat. Conté àmplia informació sobre la genètica mendeliana, el genoma humà i l'enginyeria genètica.


  • Mammals differ from each other only by one percent of their genetic code. Of 30,000 genes that form the human genome, only 300 are different from the rest of mammals.
  • Among the many genes that humans share with mice, are those that determine the development of the tail. The difference between the two species is that humans have those genes inactive.


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Com apuntar-s'hi


Què en saps de les lleis de Mendel? Cerca'n informació fent un clic aquí.
De ben segur que n'has sentit a parlar, però saps exactament què és un gen? Cerca'n la resposta en la pàgina que l'Edu365 dedica als conceptes bàsics de genètica.
El desxiframent del genoma humà comportarà de ben segur molts beneficis, però també s'hauran d’afrontar certs riscos? Llegeix aquest article i et podràs assabentar d’uns i altres.
La British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) té un espai dedicat als animals salvatges. Entra-hi, selecciona 'mice' i podràs obtenir més informació sobre els ratolins.
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