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World AIDS Day

Prevention is very important

When and where AIDS began

Who identified AIDS virus?

dilluns, 2 de desembre de 2002
The First of december is going to be AIDS Awareness Day. 'Live and let live' is the chosen slogan for this year. Its intention is clear: make people conscient about the right to live that everybody have and its protection, and denounce the ingnorance, fear and intolerance around AIDS.

AIDS is a disease which destroys the natural system of protection that the body has against other diseases (immune system). This destruction is caused by the virus HIV (Human Inmunodeficience Virus).

Nowadays, AIDS vaccine doesn’t exist yet, but research doesn’t stop. Last years there have been important improvements on therapeutic treatments which have made possible longer and better life expectancy. Unfortunately not everybody may have access to those medicines, because most of them are very expensive. The impossibility to have access to the medicines is specially traumatic on poor countries.

Besides medical progresses, the number of people infected with HIV still increasing. The results of UN annual report on AIDS are not very positive. This year have been registered five million of new infected with HIV, which makes a total of 42 million of people with AIDS. Also on year 2002, more than three million of HIV infected have died, 610.000 were children.

On its report, UN denounce that social differences, increase of migratory movements and limited access to health services are helping to increase AIDS on the poorest regions. The report mark Subsaharian Africa as the area most damaged by the disease. In consequence, there is still a lot to do, and urgently.

Prevention is very important

+ Preservatives are necessary to avoid AIDS spreading.
Today prevention is the only effective way to fight against AIDS spreading. This disease is related to conducts and only changing them will be possible to reduce its extension. It's important to know that AIDS virus live in sexual secretions, blood and maternal milk. When having sexual relations with a person who may be infected with HIV, even if he or she doesn't know it, it's very important to use always a preservative (masculine or feminine) from the beginning. People who takes injected drugs should use a new syringe and needle with every injection or change to a safer method.

When and where AIDS began

+ HIV destroys inmune system cells.
Since the virus was identified on 1983, all kind of theories have tried to explain the origins of AIDS. Two of them are accepted as the most possible ones. The first one believes AIDS started many years ago, at the beginning of the twentieth century or the end of the nineteenth century. AIDS could've been transmitted to humans by chimpanzees or a similar animal after eating its meat. The other hypothesis also holds that the origin of the virus is on chimpanzees, but believe that its transmission was done with the use of contaminated vaccines in Africa during the fifthies. None of the two theories is fully confirmed.

Who identified AIDS virus?

+ Robert Gallo and Luc Montaigner, HIV discoverers.
HIV discovery was surrounded with a big controversy between cientifists of France and United States because all claimed the paternity of the discovery. The French Luc Montaigner, from Pasteur Institute, was the first one to publish the results of his researches. On 1983 he wrote a book descriving the new kind of virus and showed a blood sample to detect HIV. A year later, the North American Robert Gallo announced that the paternity of the discovery and the blood sample were his. Gallo was accused to use a sample sended to him by Montaigner. Finally, polemic finished when the Prime Minister of France, Jacques Chirac, and the President of the United States, Ronald Reagan, agreed that both cientifist were the discoverers of AIDS.


  • Informe anual sobre la Sida
    Pàgina de l'ONU on es detalla la situació de la sida arreu del món.
  • Sida-Studi
    Web dedicada a l'estudi de la sida i als tractaments mèdics. Conté també àmplia informació sobre aspectes socials i prevenció de la malaltia.
  • Centre Jove d'Anticoncepció i Sexualitat
    Portal per a joves que inclou informació completa sobre el món de la sexualitat, els mètodes anticonceptius, la sida i altres malalties de transmissió sexual.
  • Sida. Saber Ajuda
    Programa de la Fundació La Caixa al voltant de la recerca i la informació sobre la sida.
    Programa de l'ONU dedicat íntegrament a la sida. Inclou tot tipus d'informació, amb abundants recursos i enllaços d'interès.


  • Last July Barcelona held the AIDS International Conference. There, activists strongly protested against multinational pharmaceutical companies and governements because of the high price of antiretroviral drugs.
  • AIDS cannot be transmitted in any case with quotidian contact such as caresses and kisses, and obviously not sharing a space with an infected person. The transmission is done trough blood, sexual secretions and maternal milk.
  • When a person is infected with HIV virus doesn't necessarily mean that this person has developed AIDS. One thing is to be a virus carrier and another very different thing is to have the disease.


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Com apuntar-s'hi


Saps en quin any es va començar a sentir parlar dels primers casos de sida? I l'any que es va identificar el Virus d'Immunodeficiència Humana? Cerca'n la resposta en aquesta pàgina.
Quina part del món és més durament afectada pel virus de la sida? I el continent on la malaltia és menys estesa, quin és? En trobaràs les respostes en aquest mapa.
Sida és la sigla de Síndrome d'Immuno-Deficiència Adquirida. Saps què volen dir cadascuna d'aquestes paraules? Cerca-ho aquí.
En quins casos hi ha un risc real de contagi de sida? Ho trobaràs, si cliques aquesta pàgina electrònica.
I també...
  • Respon aquest qüestionari i comprova quins són els teus coneixements sobre la malaltia de la sida.
  • En aquest pàgina apareixen tot un seguit d'objectes. Col.loca'ls en el lloc corresponent, segons puguin transmetre la sida o no.
  • 'Viu i deixa viure'. Aquest és l'eslògan del Dia Mundial de la Lluita contra la sida per a l'any 2002. Vols saber quins han estat els eslògans en anys passats? Aquí els trobaràs.
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