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International Clowns Festival

Charlie Rivel, an universal clown

Making the world smile

Clowns on the cinema

dimarts, 26 de novembre de 2002
From last Friday 22nd of November to the first of December, takes place the Tenth edition of the International Clown Festival 'Charlie Rivel's Memorial', which is celebrated in Cornellà (Baix Llobregat) every two years. More than 40 companies participate to the event, that bring together the best clowns of the moment.

One of the main attractions of the festival is the show 'Euroclowns', created especially for the festival. 'Euroclowns' gathers the most prestigious circus clowns. It is an event unique in the world.

Another very interesting show is the production 'Clowntemporani', a mixture of humour, dance and juggling. 'Clowntemporani' has got Russian and French artists as well as the Catalans Leandre and Claire. It’s worth saying that Russian artists are well present at the festival, and this is not strange: their skills is admired around the world.

Obviously, the festival cares especially about children. The 'Festival Menut' offers various shows full of humour and tenderness for the youngest ones. The Sant Idelfons market is the scenery where children will enjoy more themselves with all the shows taking place there.

Clowns are very versatile people. Artists from head to foot. The International Clown Festival treat them like they deserve, without the simplifications that some times are unfairly made.

Charlie Rivel, an universal clown

+ Charlie Rivel, one of the best clowns all over the world
Josep Andreu Lasserre was one of the best and more popular clowns all over the world. Known with the artistic name of Charlie Rivel, he was born in Cubelles in 1898, a son of a circus artists family: his father was a trapeze artist and his mother a funambulist. Rivel did his first performance at 2 years of age. He became famous around the world after his imitations of Charlot (Charlie Chaplin). He used a chair and a guitar for his performances and always wore a long red dress and big shoes. Charlie Rivel understood children very well, so he could make them laugh all the time. And not only children, the same used to happen with adults.

Making the world smile

+ 'Clowns without frontiers' help children of the world.
This is the main objective of 'Clowns Without Frontiers', an organization born in 1994 because of an expedition Tortell Poltrona did to Croatia, a country that had suffered a long and terrible war. 'Clowns Without Frontiers' want to relieve psychological stress from children living in areas of war and where living conditions are very difficult. At the same time they want to show to the citizens of our country what's the situation of those areas of conflict. This organisation has already been to many countries such as Bosnia, Guatemala, Brasil or Cuba.

Clowns on the cinema

+ Charles Chaplin, a great actor and a great 'clown'
Usually, clowns appear related to circus, but this is to simplify things. The world of the cinema, for example, has given great 'clowns' capable to make laugh and entertain millions and millions of people through the big screen. There are lots of examples: Charles Chaplin, Buster Keaton, the Marx Brothers and many others. Then, it's not strange that the 'Filmoteca de Catalunya' remembered those charismatic characters last weekend projecting emblematic films like 'The Circus', 'The Clowns', 'The suitor', 'Yoyo' and many others. It was a necessary recognition.


  • Pallassos Sense Fronteres
    ONG formada per pallassos que té per objectiu ajudar els infants que es troben en països sotmesos a conflictes bèl.lics. Es dedica també a fer conèixer la realitat d'aquests països entre els ciutadans del nostre país.
  • Charlie Rivel
    La vida i les qualitats artístiques del pallasso més popular del nostre país explicades per la seva família i els seus companys de professió.
  • Clownplanet
    Portal d'accés a tota la informació relacionada amb el món dels pallassos. Conté una àmplia informació de pallassos d'avui i del passat.
  • World Clown Association
    Web de l'Associació Mundial de Pallassos.
  • IX Mostra Internacional de Pallassos de Xirivella
    Pàgina de l'ajuntament de Xirivella dedicada a la Mostra Internacional de Pallassos, que se celebra a la localitat valenciana de Xirivella entre els dies 9 i 24 de novembre. Conté informació completa del programa d'activitats previstos.
  • Festival Internacional de Pallassos de Cornellà
    Web oficial del Festival Internacional de Pallassos 'Memorial Charlie Rivel', que se celebra a la ciutat de Cornellà de Llobregat. Informació molt completa de totes les activitats previstes durant els deu dies de certamen.


  • Lately, medicine has realized that laugh and smile have therapeutical advantages. Because of this, the International Clown Festival from Cornellà organizes The Day of Solidarity Smile, which will be celebrated the first of december and will include the show 'Pass interdict, clowns instead of frontiers'. This show wants to sensitize citizens to how important is the job clowns do on humanitarian aid.
  • Charlie Rivel was a great imitator of Charlot (Charlie Chaplin). Once, he even won an imitation contest where Chaplin was present. He asked Rivel: Do you imitate me or it's me who imitates you?
  • Since 1992, the International Clowns Festival awards with the 'Golden Nose' to those relevant personalities which have detached in his work for being well-known revealers of the clown world. The 'Golden Nose' is a reproduction of the nose used by Charlie Rivel on his performances.


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Com apuntar-s'hi


Vols conèixer millor Charlie Rivel? La seva família i alguns companys seus de professió ens expliquen com era dins i fora l’escenari. N'hi ha prou de clicar aquí.
A la web de clownplanet, hi trobaràs dites d'actors, còmics i pallassos. Entra-hi i llegeix-te-les. Quina t'ha agradat més? Per què?
Parlant de pallassos, hi ha dos personatges, l'august i el clown, que són molt distints. L'un i l’altre tenen idees molt diferents. Saps quines són aquestes idees? Cerca'n la resposta en aquesta pàgina.
Charles Chaplin va ésser un dels millors actors còmics de la història del cinema. Fes un clic i podràs veure escenes dels seus films més coneguts.
I també...
  • Encara que no ho sembli, riure i fer riure són sovint coses molt serioses. Comprova-ho entrant a la pàgina web de Pallassos Sense Fronteres.
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