> Rights of the Child, animated > Solidarity at eleven years of age > Say 'yes' to children
dimarts, 19 de novembre de 2002
Many places are celebrating this week the International Children's Day. The celebration hasn't got a fixed date, but many governments choose November the 20th to promote fraternity and welfare for all children around the world.
The chosen date it isn't casual, on November the 20th 1959 United Nations approved the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. That agreement was born as a consequence of the international commitment to recognize the priority children's rights must have. Only thirty years later, on November the 20th 1989, a new step was taken approving the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Thit is how basic human rights were established for children to enjoy them: right to survive, to develop to the fullest and to be protected against dangerous influences, maltreatment and exploitation. Also the right to participate on familiar, cultural and social life. Everything is done with the intention of promoting human dignity and an harmonious development of all children. But, despite all these agreements, the truth is that today many children around the world still live in a lamentable situation. It happens in absolutely basic matters such as education, health, nutrition and even the right to live. In spite all progesses of these later years, 2002 UNICEF report says that more than 10 million children under five die from preventable diseases. Rights of the Child, animatedUNICEF, the UN (United Nations) agency in charge of childhood, presented last July an initiative to divulge children's rights via internet. It consists in different animations of thirty seconds, explaining the 54 rights the Convention on the Rights of the Child gave to United Nations Assembly on November the 20th 1989. Those cartoons show children's rights such as the right to play, to express their opinions, to a family or to freedom of conscience.
Solidarity at eleven years of ageCompromise and solidarity with youth can be practised from a very young age. That is what Miryam Cunduri did. She is a girl who lives in rural Ecuador as a part of an indigenous community and one day found out about the Parliament Organization of Indigenous Girls and Boys from Ecuador. Since then she's been promoting welfare of children from her country. She even participated in the Children's Forum which was held last May and brought together delegates of governments and accredited Non-governmental Organizations who are under 18 years of age. Miryam cares deeply about the rights of girls and boys, particularly the rights to education and protection against explotation.
Say 'yes' to childrenChildren's welfare worries an increasing number of people and associations. Six of those associations have created the Global Movement for Children which calls on children, parents, governments, public and private companies and everybody interested to take action and protect the rights of children. This movement has started the 'Say Yes' campaign wanting to mobilize people to give support on the ten points that must permit a better world to children. More than 90 million people have already said 'yes'.
> Quins són els deu pilars en què està basada la campanya 'Digues sí pel infants'? Cerca-ho en aquesta pàgina de la Unicef.
> Vols conèixer una mica millor a la Miryam, la nena d'onze anys que dedica els seus esforços a millorar les condicions de vida dels altres nens de l'Equador? N'hi ha prou de fer clic aquí.
> Saps què diu l'article 12 de la Convenció sobre els Drets del Infants? Cerca-ho en aquesta adreça.
> Què en saps de treball infantil? Comprova-ho tu mateix/a fent aquest test i comparant les teves respostes amb les que trobaràs a la part inferior de la pàgina.
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