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![]() > Numbers all over the place > Students jump for science > Human genome, the last great discovery
dimarts, 5 de novembre de 2002
The seventh edition of Week of Science is taking place on our country from November the sixth to the seventeenth. This year’s programme is full and diverse, it offers more than 400 activites taking place all over the catalan territory. The activities are museum’s guided visits, excursions, conferences, chats with scientists, visits to laboratories and much more.
A large amount of institutions give support to Week of Science, the most important are Fundació Catalana per la Recerca, Departament d’Universitats, Recerca i Societat de la Informació, Cercle d’Amics de la Ciència and eleven universities. The aim of their participation is to increase the scientific culture of all citizens. It’s all about living science and help others to live it. Week of Science is a European initiative that allows the participation of a large number of organizations and associations. A big amount of activities are taking place in the Balearic islands under the slogan Balearic do science, and the same happens in the Valencian country. This year, for the first time, Barcelona’s city council offers their own activities’ programme. Barcelona’s Week of Science will take place between November the seventh and the eighteenth and will be dedicated to scientists’ vocation crisis. In conclusion, an important amount of activities to show how important science is in our society.
Numbers all over the place![]()
+ The world is full of numbers
Sometimes we think maths are boring. We think they are useless. But this is not the truth. Maths are made to make us think and to help us in our daily life. Scientists have been using them to do great discoveries. The world is full of numbers, without them, most of the objects we use daily would not exist. Neither Clocks, computers, money, television or lots of other things. They are all made with a numerical base, and it is because of numbers we can enjoy them now.
Students jump for scienceNext November eleventh, at eleven o’clock, primary shool and ESO students from all schools will participate in an enjoyable activity which is part of Week Science 2002. A hundred thousand students will jump together at their school’s playground for two minutes, to see if they can cause a small earth movement. The aim of the activity 'jump for science' is to study the seismic waves. Its intention is purelly didactic, but all seismographs will pay attention just in case the students cause a ‘small earthquake’.
Human genome, the last great discovery![]()
+ The discovery of human genome destroys all racists theories
The map of human genome was presented on the internet by the public consortium Human Genome Project and the private company Celera on eleventh of February last year 2001. This is one of the main discoveries on the genetic code decoding. The results were astonishing. The scientifics announced that all humans share 99,99 percent of our genetic code and that humans have only twice the genes of a fly or a worm. The discovery destroyed all racist theories and built new hopes to prevent and cure lots of illnesses.
> Els termòmetres serveixen per a mesurar la temperatura, però saps quantes escales termomètriques hi ha? La temperatura de fusió de l’aigua, que la saps? Cerca la resposta a totes dues qüestions en aquesta pàgina.
> Comprova els teus coneixements de genètica i respon les qüestions següents: quants cromosomes té una cèl·lula humana? Què és un gen? Quin nom rep la part exterior de la cèl·lula? L’ajuda necessària per a respondre-les correctament, la trobaràs aquí.
> Saps quines són les parts d’una flor? Comprova-ho fent aquest exercici. Una vegada fet, mira’n la solució? Ho havies encertat?
> Per què veiem els objectes de colors? Hi té res a veure la llum? Si vols saber-ho, fes clic aquí.
I també...
- Quin pes fas, en quilograms? Vols saber què pesaries en qualsevol altre planeta del Sistema Solar? Només has de clicar aquesta adreça i ho trobaràs de seguida.
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