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'Where the Wild Things Are'

Max, a mischievous young lad...

…and the discovery of a new world

A children's literature classic

dimarts, 15 de desembre de 2009
This Friday, 18 December, sees the premiere in our country of 'Where the Wild Things Are', a film based on the book of the same name by the US writer Maurice Sendak. The Catalan translation of this children's literature classic, is, like the film (which can be seen in Catalan), entitled 'Allà on viuen els monstres' (published by Kalandraka).

'Where the Wild Things Are' is directed by the US director Spike Jonze, considered to be one of the most innovative directors around today. The 12-year-old actor Max Records plays the role of a young lad called Max, the film's central character, who imagines a world inhabited by monsters.

The enormous monsters that appear in the film were hand made, with their faces digitally retouched so as to give them expression.

When making the film, Spike Jonze worked alongside Maurice Sendak himself, who became famous all over the world when he published 'Where the Wild Things Are' in 1963. Sendak's book is short (consisting of only ten sentences) with very vivid illustrations that clearly reflect the feelings and emotions of the characters.

Max, a mischievous young lad...

+ Max sees how a forest starts to grow in his bedroom.
The main character in 'Where the Wild Things Are' (both the book and the film) is Max, a mischievous and sensitive nine-year-old boy. One day he dresses up as a wolf and starts to get in to mischief until his mother punishes him by sending him to his room without supper, which makes Max very annoyed. Max, who has no shortage of imagination, sees how a forest starts to grow in his bedroom, becoming more and more luxuriant. Suddenly Max finds himself sailing on the open sea, until he reaches an island, where he comes across wild beings that react in unpredictable ways and look like monsters.

…and the discovery of a new world

+ The Catalan translation has been published by Kalandraka.
Max manages to tame the monsters, who proclaim him king. After his coronation, Max tries to create an idyllic world, where everybody is happy. We're not going to tell you whether he manages it or not, but what we can say is that things don't turn out to be as easy as he'd thought. In the land of the monsters, our hero learns about things and feelings that, until then, he knew nothing about.

A children's literature classic

+ Maurice Sendak.
'Where the Wild Things Are' is a children's literature classic, which has won many awards and sold millions of copies all over the world. Some have criticised the book, arguing that the illustrations of the monsters may frighten children. In general, however, it has received considerable praise for its aura of magic and mystery and for presenting children as they are: not idealised, but realistic and complex.



  • The president of the United States, Barack Obama, has said that 'Where the Wild Things Are' is one of his favourite books.
  • Although 'Where the Wild Things Are' is a very short book, the film based on it lasts more than an hour and forty minutes.


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Com apuntar-s'hi


'Trailer' de 'Allà on viuen els monstres'.
Versió animada del llibre de Maurice Sendak.
Fotogrames del film 'Allà on viuen els monstres'.
'Alícia en terra de meravelles': un altre llibre infantil que fascina els adults.
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