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What do members of the European Parliament do?

Members of the most international parliament in the world

How do MEPs work?

Places of work: Brussels and Strasbourg

dijous, 29 de gener de 2009
The next elections in which we participate will be to elect Members of the European Parliament (MEPs), in the month of June. The European Parliament is made up of MEPs from the 27 member states of the European Union (EU).

As the elections are approaching, the names of the candidates representing a number of Catalan political parties have been announced: Ramon Tremosa for Convergence and Union (CiU), Raül Romeva for Initiative for Catalonia Greens (ICV) and Oriol Junqueras for Republican Left of Catalonia (ERC).

Firstly, it is important to highlight that MEPs are not grouped according to nationality but, rather, by ideological affinities. Seven ideologically distinct groups are currently represented: the Group of the European People's Party, the Socialist Group in the European Parliament, the Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe, the Union for Europe of the Nations Group, Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance, Confederal Group of the European United Left - Nordic Green Left, and the Independence/Democracy Group.

There are currently 785 MEPs (although there will be 736 in the next parliament), elected every five years by direct universal suffrage. In fact, this year (2009) marks exactly 30 years since the first European universal suffrage elections. During that time, the European Parliament has progressively increased its powers to the extent that decisions made there affect the lives of EU citizens more than one might think.

Members of the most international parliament in the world

+ The European Parliament represents nearly 500 million Europeans from 27 states.
The European Parliament is the only European institution elected by the people. And what's more, it is the only parliament elected by universal suffrage on a multi-national level, since it represents nearly 500 million Europeans from 27 states. The European Parliament has the power to pass laws which, once they come into effect, have a bearing on all EU citizens. Besides this, the Parliament has the power to approve the European Union budget (the forecast of expenditure and income) and works towards the full democratic functioning of all European institutions.

How do MEPs work?

+ The Parliament's hemicycle in Strasbourg.
The work of the European Parliament is organised in committees comprising between 28 and 86 MEPs. There are 20 standing committees in total, covering a range of specialist areas: foreign affairs; human rights; the environment, public health and food safety; industry, research and energy; transport and tourism; culture and education; women's rights and gender equality, etc. MEPs that make up these committees present, amongst other things, legislative proposals, reports and initiatives.

Places of work: Brussels and Strasbourg

+ Parliamentary committees meet in Brussels.
MEPs spend their time between Brussels, Strasbourg and their countries of origin. Parliamentary committees, like the political groups, meet in Brussels, the capital of Belgium. However, the official headquarters of the European Parliament is in Strasbourg (Alsace), where twelve plenary sessions are held per year. Historically coveted by both France and Germany, Strasbourg is very much a symbol of the European conciliation, prompted by these two countries since the end of the Second World War (1939-1945).



  • MEPs earn the same salary as their counterparts earn in the countries which elected them.
  • This explains why there are big differences in income (based on their countries), and this is something that will be corrected in the next legislature, when all MEPs will be paid equally.
  • The budget of the European Parliament accounts for 1% of the total budget of the European Union.


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Com apuntar-s'hi


Composició actual del parlament europeu.
Els eurodiputats catalans, un per un.
Els nostres europeus: entrevistes amb personalitats de la societat catalana.
Sobre el concurs Euroscola, adreçat als escolars.
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