> Rome, the Eternal City > Home of the Renaissance > Favourite Country for Catalan Students dijous, 10 d'abril de 2008
Italy is considered to be one of the most beautiful countries in the world, with a rich history and a first-rate artistic and cultural heritage. It is situated in the southern part of continental Europe, bathed by the Mediterranean Sea and crowned by Western Europe's principal mountain range, the Alps.
The country comprises the Italian peninsula, shaped like a boot and traversed by the Apennines, as well as the two largest islands in the Mediterranean: Sicily, with its exceptional monuments that testify to the presence of the ancient Greek civilisation, and Sardinia, where the coastal city of Alghero was built and where Catalan continues to be spoken after being introduced in the middle of the 14th century. The capital of Italy is Rome, which, in Antiquity, built a vast empire that extended both sides of the Mediterranean and across a significant part of Europe (as far as the banks of the Danube and Rhine rivers). Other important cities in Italy include Milan, Naples, Turin, Palermo, Genoa, Venice, Florence and Bologna. The modern Italian state was not created until 1870. After the Second World War (1939-1945), the country consolidated its position as one of the world's richest democracies, something that was not accompanied by political stability: from 1945 to date, Italy has had about 60 different governments (an average of one per year). The latest political crisis took place at the beginning of this year. It was resolved with the resignation of the prime minister, Romano Prodi, and the calling of early elections, set for this coming Sunday and Monday (13 and 14 April). The centre-left candidate is Walter Veltroni, whilst the centre-right candidate, Silvio Berlusconi, is the likely winner, according to opinion polls.
Rome, the Eternal City'The Eternal City', as it is often called, testifies to the historic importance of Rome, a city that is full of monuments famous all over the world: the Forum, the centre of Roman life in Antiquity; the Coliseum, the amphitheatre, with a capacity of 50,000; the Pantheon, the oldest and best-preserved of the city's ancient buildings (which is circular in shape and with a huge dome). Also within the city of Rome is the Vatican state, the smallest in the world but very influential. The Vatican is home to the Pope, head of the Roman Catholic Church.
Home of the RenaissanceAlmost a thousand years after the fall of the Roman Empire in the west (476 AD), a movement rooted in the potential of mankind and a vindication of the Greco-Roman legacy radiated towards Europe from Italy: the Renaissance. In art, the Renaissance manifested itself in works by exceptional figures such as Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael and Sandro Botticelli. Presided over by the 'duomo' (cathedral) and crossed by the River Arno, the Tuscan city of Florence was home to this artistic outpouring.
Favourite Country for Catalan StudentsItaly is the country of choice for young Catalan students on the Erasmus higher education student exchange programme. During the 2006-2007 academic year, 618 students went to study in Italy, 419 chose France, and 374 opted for the United Kingdom. Students' preference for Italy is reciprocated: 912 students from Italy came to Catalonia to study, more than to any other country. The name 'Erasmus' is a homage to Erasmus of Rotterdam, the great Renaissance figure who also had a tolerant, pacifist and travelling spirit.
> Dant, cappare de les lletres italianes.
> Pompeia, soterrada per l'erupció del Vesuvi de l'any 79 dC.
> Cop d'ull a la premsa italiana.
> Interactiu basat en el fresc 'Escola d'Atenes' del pintor renaixentista Raffaello.
I també...
- Guia interactiva de Bolonya, seu de la universitat més antiga d'Europa.
- Tomb virtual per la ciutat llombarda de Milà, gran potència econòmica.
- Panoràmiques de Venècia.
- Itàlia, territori a territori.
- Qüestionari d'Itàlia.
- Llengües parlades a Itàlia.
- Els ingredients de la cuina italiana: glossari.
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