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Browsers: Farewell to Netscape

The Rise and Fall of Netscape

The New Rivalry: Internet Explorer and Firefox

Browser Market Share

dijous, 10 de gener de 2008
The days of the legendary Netscape, which overwhelmingly dominated the web browser market in the mid-1990s with a market share of over 80%, are numbered. As of the 1st of February, no further updates will be issued and AOL (which acquired Netscape in 1999) will no longer offer technical support to Netscape users.

Tom Drapeau, head of Netscape within AOL, made the announcement on the company's official blog. Drapeau was forced to recognise that the time and energy invested in trying to revive the celebrated browser had not been a success, and that it had not been able to take a share of the market from Microsoft's Internet Explorer. (Netscape is currently used by a tiny percentage of web surfers, just 0.6%).

Having said that, Drapeau has managed to get Netscape users to switch to Firefox (Mozilla's web browser), which at the present time is the only browser that seems capable of ever eclipsing Internet Explorer.

Drapeau's recommendation to users is certainly logical and not just in terms of the success of Firefox. Mozilla was founded in 1998 by Netscape. In 2003, AOL played an active role in creating the Mozilla Foundation, supporting it with money, technical support and staff. The Mozilla Foundation developed Firefox and the open-source email application Thunderbird.
  • ! Actualització el 01/02/2008 a les 07:00
  • + Webs relacionades dins Nosaltres.Cat: Internet.

The Rise and Fall of Netscape

+ Netscape was founded in 1994.
Netscape was founded in 1994 by James H. Clark and Mark Andreessen, a young 23-year-old who, two years before, at the University of Illinois, had taken part in creating Mosaic, the first popular web browser. From 1995, Netscape occupied a position of undisputed dominance which lasted until it was toppled by Internet Explorer at the end of 1998. The rivalry between Netscape and Microsoft for global pre-eminence became known as the War of the Browsers, and ended in the courts when Bill Gates' company (which bundled the browser with the Windows operating system) was accused of monopolistic practices.

The New Rivalry: Internet Explorer and Firefox

+ Mozilla is working on Firefox 3.
Anyhow, the fact is that Netscape will never recover its former dominance. Roles have been reversed with Internet Explorer now occupying pole position, with a comfortable advantage, which it still enjoys today. Recent years, however, have seen a new competitor (Firefox, offspring, up to a point, of Netscape) consolidating its position. Microsoft and Mozilla are currently each working on new versions: Internet Explorer 8 and Firefox 3, testimony to the growing rivalry that exists between the two.

Browser Market Share

+ Internet Explorer has the largest number of users.
As mentioned earlier, the browser that has, by far, the largest number of users is Internet Explorer. Taking data from Net Applications for December 2007, Internet Explorer has a market share in excess of 76%, compared with almost 17% for Firefox, which has experienced sustained growth for some time. Safari, the web browser for Apple Macs, is third with 5.59%. Quite some way behind are Netscape and Opera, developed by the Norwegian company Opera Software.


  • End of Support for Netscape web browsers
    Anunci oficial de la fi imminent del navegador Netscape.
  • Market Share
    Estadístiques sobre quota de mercat de navegadors, sistemes operatius i cercadors. De la companyia Net Applications.
  • Usage share of web browsers
    Quota de mercat dels navegadors, d'ara i del passat, per companyies.
  • Browser wars
    Les 'guerres dels navegadors', a la Wikipedia.
  • Netscape
    Pàgina oficial d'aquesta companyia, propietat d'AOL.
  • Firefox
    L'hereu natural del Netscape.


  • As of June last year, the new version of Safari (version 3), which is still in its trial phase, can also be used with Windows.
  • The most used web browser is Internet Explorer 7, followed by its predecessor (version 6), then Firefox 2 and Safari 3.


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Com apuntar-s'hi


Article enciclopèdic sobre el navegador Netscape.
Febrer del 1996: Marc Andreessen, cofundador de Netscape, a la portada de la revista Time.
El domini del Netscape els anys 1995-1998, en xifres.
Valoració d'uns quants navegadors, de Softcatalà.
I també...
  • L'evolució del mercat dels navegadors (febrer-desembre 2007).
  • Idees i conceptes sobre programari lliure: miniunitat didàctica.
  • Comesa del projecte Mozilla, basat en el programari lliure.
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