> CIA Operations > 'The Good Shepherd' > Prisons and Secret Flights dijous, 19 d'abril de 2007
Espionage (the attempt to secretly obtain military, political, economic or personal information) is as old as humanity itself. There have always been spies, or secret agents, both during times of war and in peacetime.
However, espionage has spread over the last 60 years or so, mainly due to the Cold War (1947-1991), following on from the Second World War. We shouldn't forget that the world was divided into two opposing blocs at the time: one, capitalist, led by the United States; the other communist, dominated by the now-defunct Soviet Union. It during that time that espionage and counter-espionage organisations started to proliferate to serve their respective states. In 1947 the United States set up the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Soviet Union's KGB appeared in 1954. The crumbling of Soviet bloc at the start of the 1990s in no way resulted in an end to espionage, nor of the Central Intelligence Agency which, following the September 11 attacks in the United States, concentrated on combating al-Qaeda.
CIA OperationsThe CIA, the world's most powerful espionage organisation, has come in for criticism for its involvement in a number of operations carried out outside the United Stages, such as the overthrow of the Iranian Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddeq, which was followed by a return to the throne of the Shah, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi; and the agency's involvement in toppling Guatemalan president Jacobo Arbenz and the Chilean president Salvador Allende in order to give power to the dictator Augusto Pinochet. The CIA also played an active role in the failed Bay of Pigs invasion aimed at overthrowing Fidel Castro's regime in Cuba.
'The Good Shepherd'Two weeks ago saw the release of the film 'The Good Shepherd' about the origins and early years of the CIA. Although director Robert De Niro was not attempting to conduct a critique of the agency, the film portrays the sordid atmosphere surrounding the CIA and its lies and methods in the early years of its existence. The star-studded cast is headed by Matt Damon, Angelina Jolie and De Niro himself.
Prisons and Secret FlightsAt the end of 2005, the US media uncovered a major scandal: the holding of presumed al-Qaeda members in secret CIA prisons located outside the United States, an allegation that was finally admitted by US President George Bush in September 2006. Worse still was the conclusion of a report for the European Parliament at the beginning of 2006 that the CIA had organised stopovers at a number of European airports when transporting prisoners. These events led to a resolution by the European Parliament condemning the practice which accused some 15 European countries of having turned a blind eye to the US espionage activities.
> 'Trailer' de 'The Good Shepherd' ('El bon pastor').
> Crítica del film de Robert De Niro.
> Tomb virtual per la seu de la CIA.
> La implicació del servei d'espionatge nord-americà en l'enderrocament del president xilè Salvador Allende.
I també...
- Les paraules més emprades en la cerca de documents desclassificats.
- Espies i espionatge.
- 7 de novembre de 2006: el president nord-americà George Bush reconeix l'existència de presons secretes de la CIA.
- Sobre la CIA i l'FBI.
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