> Beyond YouTube > Videos Everywhere > VilaWeb TV dijous, 26 d'octubre de 2006
In a short space of time, videos have become a real Internet phenomenon. Home videos, spots, film trailers, video clips, programmes, news and television trivia all flood the network every day, giving the Internet and increasingly important role when it comes to leisure.
The large number of home videos on the Internet can be explained by the development and extension of new technologies: broadband Internet connections and webcams, and digital cameras and video cameras. Whatever the reason, there are a great number of portals which allow people to upload, share and watch (free of charge) a huge number of videos, home videos or otherwise. This is case of the popular YouTube, founded by three under-thirties from California (USA): Chad Hurley, Steve Chen and Jawed Karim. YouTube is visited by more than 72 million users each month and shows more than 100 million videos everyday. These figures illustrate the power of this kind of audiovisual content on the World Wide Web. This hasn't gone unnoticed by one of the Internet's leading players, Google, which decided to buy the video portal for $1.65bn. Beyond YouTubeYouTube may be the most popular video portal but it's not the only one. Google itself has its own video channel: Google Video, that operates independently of YouTube. Then there is the virtual community MySpace along with versions from Yahoo! and AOL: Yahoo! Video and AOL Video, respectively. And, finally, there's the IT giant Microsoft which has joined the fray with the launch of Soapbox, still in its trial phase.
Videos EverywhereSo, the big technology players are taking up positions in a sector which is undergoing non-stop growth. And what's more, you only have to have a quick look at the Internet to realise that videos are everywhere, on all kinds of websites: general information, specialised subjects (education, sports, nature, etc.) and information from organisations. An example: television-company websites showing live programmes, videos of programmes and their own content.
VilaWeb TVThe phenomenon has also reached online newspapers, an example of which is VilaWeb itself which started showing, early in 2006, programmes from VilaWeb TV, a television channel with its own news content. Recent productions include interviews with the candidates standing at the next Catalan Parliamentary elections on 1 November. Apart from the website, videos from VilWeb TV can be seen on Google Video and on the VilaWeb channel on YouTube.
> Els fundadors de YouTube, anunciant (en vídeo, naturalment) la compra de la companyia per Google.
> Selecció de vídeos d'art i d'història de Catalunya.
> Onze minuts que evoquen la vida i obra del poeta Ausiàs Marc.
I també...
- Conduir a l'Índia: l'anarquia civilitzada.
- Mostra dels films en català en cartellera i d'estrena pròxima.
- 'Creature Feature': animals salvatges vists per la revista National Geographic.
- Com mirar els partits de futbol via internet.
- Unitat didàctica sobre els elements i el funcionament d'una càmera fotogràfica digital.
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