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To Space on Holiday

A Privileged Few

A Space City

The First Catalan Space Tourist

dimarts, 3 d'octubre de 2006
Some people, perhaps an increasing number, take their holidays in hidden, far-away places, looking for peace, tranquillity and rest. And then there are those who, in a spirit of adventure or a longing to experience something new, must have dreamed of travelling beyond planet Earth. Well, the idea is no longer just a dream but has become reality, albeit only within the reach of a privileged few with deep pockets.

The latest lucky one? Anousheh Ansari, who returned to Earth last Friday after ten days in space. Accompanied by professional astronauts, Ansari took off on board a Russian Soyuz TMA-9 spacecraft from the Baikonur cosmodrome (Kazakhstan) heading for the International Space Station. The trip made Ansari, an American millionaire of Iranian origin, the first woman space tourist, in exchange for a veritable fortune: at least €16 m.

Needless to say that, at these exorbitant prices, the space tourism business certainly won't become saturated. However, this type of tourism is still in its infancy. Some people say that, if it develops and new competitors come into the market, less astronomic prices could attract a wider clientele.

Mention should be made of Virgin Galactic which has joined Space Adventures, the other spaceline in existence. Part of Richard Branson's Virgin Group, Virgin Galactic is planning to offer trips into space from late 2008 or early 2009, at €155,000 a head.
  • +  Webs relacionades dins Nosaltres.Cat: Astronomia.

A Privileged Few

+ Anousheh Ansari returned to Earth last Friday.
Following her trip into space, Anousheh Ansari has joined the select list of space tourists, all millionaires. The first was the American, Dennis Tito, who made his extraterrestrial trip in 2001. He was followed by South African, Mark Shuttleworth, a year later and, finally, by Greg Olsen last year. All four have made their trip with the spaceline Space Adventures and all of them have done so aboard a Russian Soyuz.

A Space City

+ Since November 2000, the ISS has been permanently inhabited by astronauts.
What's more, all of them have visited the same, 'tourist destination': the International Space Station (ISS), which orbits the Earth at a distance of some 360 km. The ISS is a type of space city and is being constructed by a consortium of space agencies from Europe, the US, Russia, Canada, Japan and Brazil. When it is ready, towards 2010, it will weigh approximately 450 tonnes and be the size of a football pitch.

The First Catalan Space Tourist

+ Xavier Gabriel has a commitment to make a trip with Virgin Galactic.
Xavier Gabriel, owner of Bruixa d'Or, the well-known lottery company based in Pallars Sobirà, could become the first Catalan space tourist. Gabriel has announced that he has a commitment to make a trip with Virgin Galactic which, if everything goes as it should, will be in a couple of long years from now. The Catalan businessman has started a participative initiative called 'Ruta de les Il·lusions' ('The Route of Wishes'): anyone who wants to can write down a wish that they would like to come true and pass it to Gabriel who will take it up to space with him.


  • Space Adventures
    Empresa fundada el 1998, ha organitzat els quatre viatges turístics espacials, tots amb naus russes Soiuz.
  • Virgin Galactic
    Una altra línia espacial privada. És previst que comenci a operar entre la fi del 2008 i la primeria del 2009.
  • Space Tourism
    Article enciclopèdic de la Wikipedia.
  • La Bruixa d'Or
    El propietari d'aquesta administració de loteria té compromès un viatge espacial amb Virgin Galactic. La pàgina informa de la Ruta de les Il·lusions, una iniciativa relacionada.
  • Astronautes: la feina del futur
    Reportatge del programa de Televisió de Catalunya
  • StarChild
    Centre d'aprenentatge de joves astrònoms. Pàgina de l'Agència Espacial Nord-americana (NASA).
  • ESA Kids
    Pàgina de l'Agència Espacial Europea adreçada al jovent.


  • Apart from taking a list of hopes on the Route of Wishes, Xavier Gabriel has also indicated that he'll take a 'càntir' (a drinking flask) with him.
  • Since November 2000, the International Space Station has been permanently inhabited by astronauts conducting scientific experiments, and spending up to six months there.
  • Anousheh Ansari, the first woman space tourist to visit the ISS, had always dreamed of going into space. Since she was a child, Ansari has been a fan of the science fiction series Star Trek, which this year celebrates its 40th birthday.


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Com apuntar-s'hi


Passat, present i futur del turisme espacial, en imatges.
Vídeos d'Anousheh Ansari, la primera turista espacial.
Una anhel satisfet per primera vegada per Dennis Tito.
L'Estació Espacial Internacional: destinació turística.
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