> From the Earth to the Moon and Mars! > Google Maps: a World of Possibilities > The Competition dilluns, 8 de maig de 2006
Google just never ceases to surprise Internet users. The Californian (US) search engine is constantly coming up with increasingly varied ideas, some of which are truly spectacular. Such is the case with Google Maps which was launched at the beginning of 2005 and which has just arrived in Europe. For now, it's still in the test phase but it already covers the Catalan Countries.
Google Maps is an important cartographic tool, a detailed search engine of maps via the Internet. Satellite photos which give a bird's-eye view of towns and cities are the main appeal but, as we'll see later, it's not the only feature. In addition to Google Maps, which is free and easy to use, Google is also offering Google Earth, a comprehensive atlas of satellite images covering every corner of the planet. Google Earth has a free version which can be downloaded for PCs or Macs, although there are certain minimum system requirements needed to run the application but the results are three-dimensional, high-resolution images.
From the Earth to the Moon and Mars!Not content with mapping the whole world, the North American company has also embarked on conquering space. First, there's Google Moon which allows us to explore the surface of the moon and see the exact spot where Apollo 11, 12, 14, 15, 16 and 17 landed on the lunar surface. Then there's Google Mars which provides us with truly spectacular images of the Red Planet. All the images come from the North American space agency, NASA (National Aeronautics & Space Administration).
Google Maps: a World of PossibilitiesWith Google Maps, all you have to do is enter an address to call it up on the map and see satellite images of that exact spot. Google Maps also provides information about businesses, restaurants, hotels, museums, etc., in a specific location, whether it is a village or a big city. It even provides route maps, showing the number of kilometres and the route it would take just by putting in the start and end points. Altogether, you could really say that Google Maps has revolutionised how we search for local and business information on the web.
The Competition
+ Google Maps has caused a stir with Google's rivals.
The introduction of Google Maps has caused a stir with Google's rivals. Microsoft, for example, has come up with Windows Live Local based on a similar idea to Google Maps, although still being tested and, as yet, limited to the USA. Then there's Yahoo!, another giant of the Internet, with its Yahoo! Maps!.
> Preguntes i respostes sobre Google Maps.
> Introduïu una població d'origen i una de destinació, i cerqueu-ne l'itinerari
> Quants quilòmetres hi ha de Salses (Rosselló) a Guardamar (Baix Segura), extrems septentrional i meridional del país.
> Localitzeu casa vostra, i obteniu-ne una imatge per satèl·lit.
I també...
- Internet i la privacitat.
- Logotips de Google per a dies assenyalats.
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