> Mythical Songs… > ...and New Songs > Catalan Rock dilluns, 24 d'abril de 2006
'Rock & Cat' is a film about singers and groups who were part of the Catalan music scene from the end of the 1980s and throughout the 1990s. The film, just released, features some of the voices from a genre known as Catalan rock and includes new versions of songs which became anthems for an entire generation of youngsters. In fact, in its efforts to avoid nostalgia, the film does not include any archive footage.
'Rock & Cat' is directed by the journalist Jordi Roigé (who was born in 1964) and is subtitled 'Beyond the Songs'. Produced by Utopia Global and Televisió de Catalunya, 'Rock & Cat' is an hour and a half in length. The film was previewed on 19th April in a setting which is worlds apart from rock music: the Gran Teatre del Liceu, the opera 'temple' in Las Ramblas of Barcelona. The Liceu was the location chosen to record the songs featured in 'Rock & Cat', which also includes interviews and conversations with the artists and groups who have participated in it, including: Lluís Gavaldà, Gerard Quintana, Pep Sala, Josep Thió, Adrià Puntí, Els Pets, Gossos, Duble Buble...
Mythical Songs…The very basis of 'Rock & Cat' is the songs, sung in a brand new way by artists who were part of the heyday of the Catalan music scene during the 1990s. Amongst the songs which are featured in the film, some of which are still popular today, are 'Si véns' (If You Come) by Ja T'ho Diré, 'L'Empordà' by Sopa de Cabra, 'Tren de mitjanit' (Midnight Train) and 'Boig per tu' (Crazy for You) by Sau, 'El vol de l'home ocell' (Flight of the Bird Man) by Sangtraït, 'Bon dia' (Good Morning) by Els Pets and 'Ull per ull' (Eye by Eye) by Adrià Puntí...
...and New SongsBut there are also new songs written specifically for the film which form a kind of a thread which runs through it. And what makes the film even more interesting is the fact that these songs are the result of partnerships between artists who have never worked together before, such as Gerard Quintana and Pep Sala who wrote 'Només una cançó' (Only a Song), Josep Thió and Lluís Gavaldà with their song 'Silencis' (Silences), and Cris Juanico and Gossos who wrote 'Turquesa' (Turquoise). The title credits of the film were recorded by the lead singer of Els Pets, Lluís Gavaldà, in a solo performance of 'Quan els llums s'apaguen' (When the Lights Go Out).
Catalan RockThe musical phenomenon portrayed in the film became known as 'Catalan rock' with all the songs having one thing in common: they were all sung in Catalan. Exponents of Catalan rock include Els Pets, Sau, Sangtraït, Umpah-Pah, Sopa de Cabra, Lax'n'Busto, Ja T'ho Diré, Obrint Pas and Gossos. Some of the bands are still around today. In 1991, Sopa de Cabra, Els Pets, Sau and Sangtraït packed out the Palau Sant Jordi in Barcelona, an event which effectively consolidated Catalan rock.
> Una llista de les cent millors cançons del rock català.
I també...
- Vídeo de 'Boig per tu'.
- Breu apunt sobre el rock del país.
- 'El boig de la ciutat', de Sau.
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