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The Voice of the Tibetan People


The Roof of the World

dimarts, 14 de març de 2006
Tibet is a country in central Asia bordering on India, Nepal and Bhutan in the south and under the sovereignty of China (China has occupied Tibet it since 1950).

It was that year that the Chinese communist government brought an end to the political sovereignty of Tibet which has historically been coveted by Mongols and the Chinese. The Chinese military occupation meant the end of the country's independence, which it had achieved in 1911.

Nine years later, in March 1959 (exactly forty-seven years ago) there was an uprising to protest against the Chinese occupation, which was ultimately fiercely repressed. The Dalai Lama, title given to the spiritual and political leader of the Tibetan people, was forced to flee to India, accompanied by around eighty thousand followers. Since then, he heads the government while in exile in India.

During the 1960s and 1970s, China had a policy aimed at annihilating the national identity of Tibet, with the destruction of numerous Buddhist monasteries. Mass Chinese colonisation sponsored by the Chinese government is also seen as a threat to the survival of Tibetan culture and identity.

The Voice of the Tibetan People

+ Tenzin Gyatso is the fourteenth Dalai Lama.
The international dissemination of the political situation of Tibet has been very strongly influenced by the figure of the fourteenth Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, who, as previously mentioned, has lived in exile since 1959. Tenzin Gyatso, head of the government in exile, (with its seat in the Indian city of Dharamsala) has made himself the voice of the Tibetan people around the world and the symbol of Tibet's peaceful resistance. This was publicly recognised in 1989 when he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.


+ Buddhism is based on the teachings of the Buddha.
Although the Buddhist religion and moral doctrine has hundreds of millions of followers spread over many countries, the political situation in Tibet has turned Tibetan Buddhism into a symbol of the resistance to the Chinese occupation. Founded around two thousand five hundred years ago by Siddhartha Gautama (better know as the Buddha), Buddhism differs from other religions in that it does not proclaim the existence of a creator God. It is based on what are called the four noble truths.

The Roof of the World

+ Potala Palace in Lhasa.
Tibet is known as the roof of the world as it makes up the highest and largest plateau in the world, with altitudes of up to five thousand metres and surrounded by incredible mountain ranges such as the Himalaya and the Karakoram. Its climate is generally cold and dry. The source of several major rivers can be found in Tibet, such as the Indus river, one of the longest in the world. The capital of the country is Lhasa, a city situated at an altitude of 3650 m in the Tibetan Himalaya. Historically, it is the spiritual centre of Tibet, but today it is mostly populated by Chinese.



  • With over three hundred and fifty million followers, Buddhism is the fourth largest religion after Christianity, Islam and Hinduism.
  • Sherpas, the inhabitants of Nepal famous worldwide for their participation in mountain climbing expeditions, have Tibetan origins and maintain a Tibetan culture.


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Com apuntar-s'hi


Crònica de la invasió xinesa del Tíbet.
Cop d'ull a l'exili tibetà.
Semblança del dalai-lama Tenzin Gyatso, guia espiritual i polític del poble tibetà.
Les quatre veritats nobles, base de la doctrina budista.
I també...
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